To Be Happy In Life, Try To Be Self-reliant
Modern society has not progressed at all since it was first introduced. Certainly, technological advancements have occurred. It’s better for the world too. Societal changes haven’t taken place in the meantime. In his 1841 essay, Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson stated it best: “Societal change can be seen as a wave. Despite the movement of the wave, the water of which it is composed does not. “Humans haven’t evolved in a significant way. The issues you’re currently dealing with aren’t anything new. And one of those issues is that we’re a little too reliant on others. Very reliant. What’s wrong with that? You can never be truly happy unless you are able to rely on yourself. Even though, in my opinion, happiness isn’t the point of life, it’s still important to us. Quality of life is directly correlated to the level of contentment. Nobody wants to lead a dreary existence. Consider