My 45 years of professional experience as a Medical Practitioner & as a General Surgeon working at various parts of Kerala, India revealed a lot of Insightful Thoughts & Facts in life, especially about the persons seeking Health Support in various categories.
Later in my career, after extensive research & study, I have found that along with physical cure or healing Mental, Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Cure or Healing is needed for all to experience a state of Wellbeing, Harmony & Happiness. Moreover, Pain is an alarming symptom which needs a total cure of the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Levels.
Most of the time, we attribute disease and illness to the physical plane alone. The true picture is entirely different. After extensive studies & research, I could find out that every disease starts in the Mind. And finally, I understood the importance of Mind-Body Connection (Mind-Body-Soul Integration) in the Healing Process.
Let us realize that the most important & precious possession in our life is our mind. Our whole life in expression & perception of our mind. We cannot experience and enjoy anything other than what is perceived by the mind. Unless & until there is a radical positive change in our mind setup, there is no freedom, no liberation, no harmony, no happiness, no love & peace in our life and the whole world at large.
Just like a virus creating a problem to the personal computer, our negative thoughts, emotions, words, situations, challenges, comments, images & the like many things will act as a virus and will affect our mind & brain (The Biggest Sophisticated Computer) and our whole physical and mental functioning become deranged or corrupted & will present as various physical & mental diseases and illness. Usually, the physical symptoms are manifested very gradually and will be noticed only when it becomes an emergency. When we say the virus, it is a negative thought or a script which was registered in our mind & brain at some point of time, knowingly or unknowingly.
With this understanding & awareness, I had filtered & customized the recent advances in Science, Technology, Neural Sciences, Psychology, Spirituality, Mind Re-Programming and the like, many methods & finally evolved a process called PSYCHO-TECHNOLOGY.
Over the years, I was a Surgeon of the Human Body, now I am a Surgeon of the Human Mind.
vIt is a blend of Age-Old Vision & Wisdom with New Age Scientific Knowledge aiming at eradicating the deep-rooted Fear, Phobia, Anxiety, Tension, Conflicts and the like Negative Emotions & Mental Blocks, enabling each and everybody to experience & enjoy a Stress-Free, Harmonious, Happy & Balanced Life.
The methodology we are presenting is working at the subtle level of the Human Mind- at the Sub-neuronal level of the human brain, resulting in radical positive transformation in our innermost being and our entire life.
Our Psycho-Technology helps each and everybody to experience and enjoy a renewed life journey with a great destination and difference in the days to come.
Really, it is a Break- Through technology in our life, leading to
- Positive personal change and perfection.
- Peak performance and achievement
- Spontaneous creativity
- Habits changing
- Human Excellence
- Harmony and Happiness
- Peace and love
- Better Human relationship
- Serene and Balanced life
- Self-knowledge and Enlightenment
Online Program Details
The special method, Psychotechnology developed by Dr Purushothaman can change the life of anybody instantaneously. Just like changing the problem creating Virus of the personal computer, we can change the problem creating Thought Virus of our Mind and Brain & we will be changed as we desire. Really it is a Breakthrough Technology to change Our Life.
Are You feeling Low?
Are You totally Confused?
Are You totally Worried?
Are You Unable to concentrate on Your Work?
Are You Unable to sleep Well?
Do You have a Broken Family Relationship?
Utilize Our Free Online & Offline Services
- Total Mental Healing
- Change Your Bad Habits
- Couples Matching Test
- Crisis Management
- Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT)
- Employee & Employer Relationship
- Fear, Phobia & Anxiety Cure
- Life Coaching & Life Skills
- Mental Health Healing
- Mind Programming For Success
- Online Astrology Predictions
- Online Counseling Service
- Online Health & Wellness Support
- Online Meditation Programs
- Online NLP & Mind Power Programs
- Online Past Life Therapy
- Online Problem Solving
- Online Stress Programs
- Personal Fine Tuning
- Pranic & Energy Healing
- Prayer & Healing Services
- Pre-Marital Counseling
- Self Confidence Boosting
- Student & Teacher Relationship
- Talk to Our Psychologist
- Ask Any Questions?
- Self-Actualisation Sessions
With an Attitude of Gratitude
Habit Doctor