Perfectionism Is Not The Key To Boost Your Productivity

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Do you ever get the feeling that you didn’t do a decent job? Do you ever doubt yourself or your actions? Are you afraid to admit your errors? Do you get depressed when you’re rejected? If that’s the case, you’re in grave risk. I’m not a stickler for details. That’s what I try to convince myself, at least. I’m sure you try to tell yourself that too. The ones who refuse to admit it are the worst. But here’s the thing: If you’re a perfectionist, you’re just a mask-wearing procrastinator. It’s the same as if you’re a slacker who doesn’t do anything.

Do you doubt me? Let us investigate. Perfectionist…

  • Always looks for the proper opportunity.
  • Never makes a blunder.
  • More time is always required.

However, life and business are ultimately about results. Results are important. And if you’re a perfectionist, you might just get the results. But when will it happen? And at what price? Perfectionism has been linked to sadness and low self-esteem, according to research.

“Perfectionists are devils to themselves.” —Kirby, Jack. Is perfectionism truly worth the price? Perfectionism, I’ve discovered, is just another type of procrastination. Doubt seeps into your head when you’re continuously worried about making blunders. This leads to indecision.

Perfectionists are divided into two categories:

It’s the one that never gets started. You want to accomplish something, but you start doubting yourself right away. “I don’t think I can accomplish it,” you think. As a result, you never begin.

The one who starts yet has unrealistic expectations. You established a goal for yourself. You work quite hard (maybe too hard). But you’ve set such lofty goals for yourself that you’re constantly falling short.

Anxiety, concern, despair, and Type A behaviour are all possible outcomes in both instances. This is something we would prefer to avoid. Worry, Procrastination, and Perfectionism was researched by Joachim Stöber and Jutta Joormann, who wrote: “A major role in the maintenance of anxiety may be the mix of worry over mistakes and procrastination.” On the one hand, it may exacerbate existing threats if no measures are made to address them. On the other hand, because initially manageable problems will pile up, generating an excess of problems that may eventually be intractable, it may exacerbate existing risks or perhaps create new ones.”

And the sensation of helplessness is our largest stumbling block. What are we to do when we are powerless? We have given up. Take a look at the research on Learned Helplessness. Perfection isn’t always a terrible thing. Indeed, some research suggests that perfectionism is linked to higher achievement. But it isn’t the issue at hand.

Of course, setting higher goals and having higher standards leads to greater success. Perfectionistic tendencies can, without a doubt, be beneficial. But, as we all know, objectives aren’t the only thing that matters in life. It’s more about HOW we achieve our ambitions and goals.

“How can we combat procrastination and perfectionism’s negative effects? “So far, we’ve discussed how procrastination and perfectionism are linked, as well as why this can be harmful. But what is the answer?

Gordon L. Flett and his colleagues conducted an interesting study on the function of acquired resourcefulness in perfectionism. They propose that learned resourcefulness can act as a buffer.

So, I began researching and learnt resourcefulness. And this is what I discovered in a Michael Rosenbaum article: “The behavioural repertoire required for both regressive and reformative self-control is referred to as learned resourcefulness. Self-controlling one’s emotional and cognitive responses during difficult situations, problem-solving skills, and deferring immediate gratification for the sake of more significant benefits in the future are all part of this repertoire. “The ability to cease sabotaging yourself requires learned resourcefulness.

Consider the polar opposite of a perfectionist: the lazy.

You don’t care about much if you’re a slacker. Your slogan is “good enough.” You’re also lacking in ambition. That kind of mentality won’t get you anyplace. Cormac McCarthy, an American novelist, said it best: “It’s like a lot of things,” the smith explained. If you get one thing wrong, you might as well get everything wrong.”

The “I don’t care” attitude is slacking. However, if you want things to happen in your life, you must be concerned.

And what you want is to create a happy medium where your perfectionistic instincts drive you, but you also have the serenity of a slacker and educated resourcefulness.

As a result, I found a happy medium between perfectionism and laziness. It appears as follows:

Do an excellent job like a perfectionist, but don’t neglect your objectives like a slacker.

Finally, combine it with the following: Goal-setting can be beneficial, but it can also be harmful. That is why you should use systems. When things go wrong, use your problem-solving skills to get things back on track.

That, to me, is the sweet spot. you adjust or address the problem rather than beating yourself up when you make a mistake or fail. “OMG, this is the worst thing ever!” says the perfectionist all the time. Also, stay away from the slacker’s favourite phrase: “I don’t care. “I’ve got this,” you say instead. So, what is your current problem? I’m not even going to ask, you’ve got this.





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