The How Of Experiencing  Happiness

Habits Doctor Says
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Since ancient Greek and Roman times, the conversation about happiness has remained mostly unchanged. People, on the other hand, pretend that nothing has changed and that more people are miserable than ever before. That’s because we’re more linked than ever before. You read it frequently. “People are lonely and miserable because of technology! “I agree that technology has progressed. However, human nature has not changed. Since the dawn of modern society, people have been dissatisfied, lonely, miserable, and sad. We continue to ask ourselves questions such as:

  • Do I enjoy my work?
  • What about my residence?
  • Is my love a happy person?
  • How much money do I require to be content?

That’s how we’ve been thinking for millennia. And if you believe in a similar way, I can assure you that it is incorrect. Happiness is traditionally thought to be the result of other things or people. Have you given it any thought?

Why do we assume that something must always make us happy? That, I believe, is the most serious issue with happiness. Why do we continue to associate happiness with things like work, love, and money? When Did You Last Feel Good? When you’re doing something you enjoy? Do you and your partner have a nice relationship? A large sum of money? But what if you become dissatisfied with your job? Or what if your relationship gets unbearable? Or when you never seem to have enough money?

I’ve written about how I try to be useful rather than happy. And that making yourself useful makes you joyful. That concept resonated with many people because it puts us in the driver’s seat. However, this raised an essential point. How can I know whether I’m content?

It’s a question you can only pose once you’ve given this subject some thought. Most of us never consider how to quantify happiness. Or we just believe we know what to do. Yes, we may set career, financial, relationship, and health goals—and we can measure them. We don’t, however, measure the one thing that makes it all worthwhile: our personal happiness. Never Put Your Happiness in the Hands of Others.

That is my sole criterion for happiness. Am I reliant on anything or someone to make me happy? I wonder.

My preferred response is “no.” Allow me to explain:

My job is enjoyable, yet it does not make me happy.

My family is wonderful, yet they do not make me happy.

My other half is wonderful, yet she does not make me happy.

I am simply content.

Personal suffering is unnecessarily prolonging life. We can’t place our happiness in the hands of others.

Happiness is a mental state. You have complete control over the situation. You can decide to be happy in the same way that you can decide to do something helpful with your time.

However, nothing in my life brings me joy. You’ve done it yet again! You’re stuck in an outdated mindset. It’s easy to blame your misery on your job, partner, family, or even the planet. I always encounter folks who believe the world is a bad place. People do suffer from terrible luck. Yes, some people are malicious. I’m not going to lie and say that those things never happen. Is that, however, something you can control? No. So get over yourself and don’t allow anything else to bring you down. It’s time to put your cynicism aside. Remember that happiness does not require a reason. One statement sums up the entire concept. However, expressing it is not the same as genuinely living it. All you have to do is be happy, which you already are.


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