Achieving Your Dream Job Simplified

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When most people are denied a job, they just apply for another. You’ve gone over every situation in your brain and prepared thoroughly. But what if you’re having a bad day? What should you do if your dream job isn’t available? My User Experience Designer friend Gerard recently had an interview with a digital agency. He had wanted to work for this firm since he graduated from college. He was also ecstatic to obtain an interview for his desired job as a UX designer. He didn’t get the job since he didn’t do well in his interview. He was initially depressed. When he called me on his way home from the interview, he remarked, “I really wanted that job.”

“The interview was really awkward,” Gerard stated. I didn’t get the impression that I demonstrated my abilities. “Why do you suppose you didn’t get the job?” I inquired. We don’t always take the time to figure out why things go wrong. However, one of the most valuable qualities is the ability to learn from personal experiences and failures. “Self-awareness is your most crucial trait,” says Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of Vaynermedia and a social media specialist.

By analysing why his interview did not result in a job offer, Gerard demonstrated self-awareness. “I didn’t show my abilities sufficiently,” he admitted. In an interview, how do you exhibit your abilities? It can be challenging to express your abilities. We rarely like to boast. To show someone how wonderful you are without being arrogant, you must be a skilled communicator. But, ironically, we grow cautious as a result of our fear of appearing arrogant. Gerard felt the same way. So, he reasoned, the best way to exhibit my abilities is to show them via my work, not my words. He didn’t send a thank you note or ask for feedback when he got home. He was well aware of the response. He went to the agency’s website instead. He looked through their portfolio and chose a client for whom he created a report on how the agency might bring additional value. He essentially accomplished his work without being formally employed by the organisation. He created a report for the agency’s customer over the weekend that included four possible UX changes. He also detailed how he planned to put the recommendations into action. He forwarded his report to the hiring manager on Monday morning. He discussed how he learned to enhance his communication abilities in an email. “I still believe I am the best candidate for this position.” To demonstrate this, I produced a rapport for (client name) detailing my UX recommendations.

Regardless of whether or not you hire me, you can use this report. I’m confident that these enhancements will benefit the customer, resulting in increased revenue for the agency. Result? My friend was asked to return for another interview, and he made sure he was prepared with stories and examples of how he addressed problems this time. He also told the best anecdote about how he wrote a report for the agency’s client but didn’t get the job. On the spot, the hiring manager offered him a job offer.

   Finding Your Dream Job Lessons

1. Before going to an interview, add value.

Next time, I’m going to finish the report before the interview. I still despise doing interviews. During an interview, we often feel compelled to demonstrate our superiority. “That’s not me,” Gerard explained. Do you think interviews are sometimes forced or fake? Prior to the interview, try to add value. Are you not a user experience designer? This strategy is universally applicable. Think outside the box and ask yourself, “How can I do the job without working for the company?” If you don’t have all the information you need, it’s fair to make assumptions.

“Some aspects about the client I didn’t know, so I made a few assumptions,” Gerard explained. Gerard’s management realised he couldn’t possibly know everything. He liked Gerard’s ideas and didn’t care about the specifics—details could be worked out later. Adding value right away demonstrates that you are a problem solver and care about the organisation. That is why his management hired Gerard, he later said. The world requires problem solvers, not those who simply follow orders. However, unlike Gerard, save time by sending your report or work before the interview. Alternatively, you can bring it to the interview with you.

2. Develop Self-Awareness

You’d think you’d know who you are. After all, haven’t you spent every day of your life alone? Wrong, according to Peter Drucker, one of the most widely quoted management theorists of all time. Drucker authored an article about self-awareness. Drucker writes in Managing Oneself: “The majority of people believe they know what they’re good at. They are frequently incorrect. People are more commonly aware of their shortcomings—and even then, more people are incorrect than correct. Nonetheless, a person can only perform from strength. You can’t construct a performance on a flaw, let alone something you can’t accomplish.”

According to Drucker, feedback analysis might help you develop self-awareness. The concept is simple, before making a decision, write down what you believe will happen. Compare the actual result to your expectations 12 months later. You’ll soon discover whether or not we’re out of rhythm with ourselves. Gerard’s tale is one of my favourites since he didn’t give up and tried to improve the company. He was so desperate to work for the agency that he did free labour for them. He had not anticipated getting the position. And, despite the extra effort, my friend now has a job that he enjoys. The truth is that everyone desires their ideal work. So, you’ll have to try something else to land your dream job. It’s not going to fall into your lap.

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8 months ago

Inspiring articles for breaking free from bad habits and creating a brighter future. Highly recommended.

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