Dealing With Anxiety Simplified

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One of my buddies recently suffered from panic attacks. “How do you deal with anxiety?” he said, knowing I’d been there as well. That is an excellent question. I used to hunt for ways to “get beyond” or “defeat” my anxiety. I was on the lookout for a solution. I’ve discovered the answer after reading dozens of books and hundreds of articles on the subject: anxiety is incurable. It must be addressed. For most of us, dealing with anxiety is a never-ending battle. It’s not a competition or a game. It’s not like you can get rid of anxiousness once and for all. People frequently claim to have “bested” anxiety. That doesn’t hold water with me. Only by avoiding life’s difficulties can you genuinely overcome worry.

Dealing with negativity, hate, and criticism

More than a million individuals read my articles last month. People who don’t like my stuff naturally pay attention to it. And some of them take the time to express themselves. That does not bother me. Everyone can say whatever they want on the internet since it is a free space. The majority of individuals are polite in their criticism. However, I occasionally receive abusive texts. That is something that most writers and content creators dislike. I didn’t enjoy it when others criticised my work at first. “Why read it if you don’t like it?” That’s what I told myself. However, as the number of hostile messages increased, I saw an opportunity. You feel concerned and even anxious when someone criticises you. It’s not a pleasant sensation. I’d rather read an email from a reader who has made a significant life change as a result of reading an article. Fortunately, this occurs as well. But I’ve come to appreciate the vitriol. Why? It’s for training purposes. It’s something you’ll have to cope with. It is not an option for me to avoid it. I just read an article in which one author boasted that his assistant monitors his email for criticism and hate so that he doesn’t have to see it. I understand. It’s not enjoyable to read that. However, how can you build a thick skin without being exposed to criticism?

Let’s face it: life isn’t easy.

To be honest, I try to avoid practically everything that makes me uncomfortable in life. I’m not interested in reading nasty letters. When I’m shopping for a home, I don’t want to deal with obnoxious realtors. I’m not interested in promoting my book. When I’m exhausted, I don’t want to run. I want everyone to enjoy my work. I’m looking for the best deals possible. I want everyone to purchase my book on their own. I want to be in terrific condition and feel good without having to work hard for it. But we both know that’s not the case. Life is not easy, to be sure. We’re constantly presented with unpleasant situations. And this is quite stressful.

  • What if my company fails?
  • What if no one is fond of me?
  • What if he/she says no?
  • What if I’m left alone?
  • What happens if I become sick?
  • What if someone in my family dies?

Recognize that anxiety is common. It’s just a part of life. You’re not living if you strive to avoid feeling anxious. That is something I constantly remind myself of. When I experience anxiety, I know I’m on the correct track. When we are constantly anxious, however, it becomes a problem. There’s also no magic answer for that. Dealing with anxiety is and will always be difficult. Never utter the phrase “Why me?” “This IS ME!” exclaims the speaker.

A few anxiety-relieving techniques 

With anxiety, changing your thinking can be really beneficial. However, you must take steps to ensure that anxiety does not take over your life. You don’t want to simply “improve” your ability to deal with it.No, you want to keep that jerk in check every day. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Exercise every day—This will improve your physical and mental strength. The more powerful you are, the more assured you will be.

Start your day with an unpleasant experience—People assume I always enjoy writing because I publish a lot of pieces. That is not correct. Writing is a difficult and time-consuming task. And I frequently try to avoid it. That is why I force myself to write first thing in the morning. I used to start my day with prospecting when I worked in sales.

Write about your worry in a journal—bring all of your fears to the surface. In the sunshine, it will perish.

There is no other option, as you can see. You must overcome your anxiety. “I’m not afraid of you,” you must tell that sinking feeling in your gut. You eventually realise it’s merely a sensation. When you stop feeding it, it loses its potency. Fear is only capable of scaring you. Do you really want a stupid sensation to keep you from living life to its utmost potential?

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