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		<title>Keep On Keeping With What You Do</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 23 Feb 2024 19:30:33 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[Everything is simple to get started with. Anyone can become a writer, singer, artist, entrepreneur, etc. Only a small percentage of those begin to persist. The desire to start a business, for example, is widespread. However, it appears that the focus is on getting started. After five years, most businesses have gone out of business. [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Everything is simple to get started with. Anyone can become a writer, singer, artist, entrepreneur, etc. Only a small percentage of those begin to persist. The desire to start a business, for example, is widespread. However, it appears that the focus is on getting started. After five years, most businesses have gone out of business. A similar argument can be made for occupations in the arts and humanities. Aspiring writers usually get off to a fast start, writing for a few days, weeks, or even months before moving on to something new. A lot of experts and writers in the personal development space say that the most important thing is to get started. According to my own experience and that of my readers, the most important thing is to keep going. Here’s an email I recently received: “Howdy, Darius. Your blog is enjoyable to read. I read it when I was depressed. And it changed my thoughts and perspective about my life and the world. And now I want to create something for others. I started with a tiny step. It was easy at first. But after that, I felt like I lacked inspiration. How do you keep going even if you don’t know what’s next?”</p>
<p>It’s an essential question. Not knowing what’s next is something every person who wants to make something out of their life has to deal with. Here’s what I do to tackle that challenge.</p>
<h4><strong>1. Focus on The Day</strong></h4>
<p>Much of our anxiety comes from uncertainty about the future. “What will happen tomorrow or in a year from now?” It can be scary to think about that if your thoughts are dark. I can tell you for hours that the world won’t blow up tomorrow, but if you’re in the wrong state of mind, you won’t listen to a word I say. The best thing you can do is to focus on your very next step—RIGHT NOW. What are you going to do next? Not as in, “What’s your next big move?” No, what are you going to do after you’ve read this? Make something out of your day—forget about the past and the future. Look, maybe you’re right. Maybe tomorrow the world will end. Are you really okay with wasting today on crap you don’t control? No, of course not. Do something with your day. Forget about the rest.</p>
<h4><strong>2. Set Goals You Control</strong></h4>
<p><strong> </strong>   When you set goals, you don’t have control over, you will think it’s impossible. Plus, you will always depend on others for your success. Remember this: Never give the wheel to someone else. You’re the ruler of your kingdom. You’re in the driver&#8217;s seat. That’s why you want to focus on things you control. You don’t control the rewards you get. If people don’t want to give you their business, so what? If people don’t want to hire you, so what? You don’t control them anyway. It’s none of your business. Your business is to improve yourself, make the best of your day, be a good person, and do what’s in your best interest. Think about what you control. Very few things, right? That should make this step easy. All you have to do is to grab a piece of paper and write your goals on it. Next, work on it.</p>
<h4> <strong>3. Adjust When It’s Necessary</strong></h4>
<p>A while back, Tim Ferriss (author of the 4-Hour Workweek) tried to change the business model for his podcast. He went from ad-based to fan-based funding. He asked listeners to contribute $10 a month or more if they wanted. He announced that this was an experiment for something like six months. But he didn’t let it come that far. Three or four weeks later, he pulled the plug, refunded all contributions, and immediately went back to ads. Tim said that “experiments can sometimes yield conclusions much more quickly than expected. “Sometimes we try something new. And quickly enough, we find out it didn’t go according to plan. In fact, our assumptions and plans were totally off. In those cases, we should not be afraid to make bold decisions. Tim has millions of listeners and yet, he wasn’t afraid to (1) change his business model and (2) switch back to the old system when he learned the change didn’t work out. That’s life. No big deal. He didn’t stop podcasting altogether and kept going. He simply made an adjustment. Too often, we go into crisis mode, “OH NO! THIS DIDN’T WORK! AAAAH!” So, what? Make an adjustment. In fact, keep going and keep adjusting until you find the right fit for your career and life. There are no formulas. Life and business are like producing a song. I know a music producer who told me this when I asked him about his creative process: “I come up with a melody, turn it into a song, and then finally, I keep turning the knobs until it sounds right. “Keep turning the knobs, my friend. When it sounds right, you’ll know.</p>
		<title>How To Reprogram Your Mind For A Better Life</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:30:00 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[What do you consider to be a fulfilling existence? If you poll 100 individuals, you&#8217;re likely to receive 100 distinct responses. It’s true that there are certain universal components to a happy existence. Let&#8217;s say you want to be happy and healthy. All of us want it. This is why we spend billions each year [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What do you consider to be a fulfilling existence? If you poll 100 individuals, you&#8217;re likely to receive 100 distinct responses. It’s true that there are certain universal components to a happy existence. Let&#8217;s say you want to be happy and healthy. All of us want it. This is why we spend billions each year on gym and training programmes as well as a variety of other products and services. Because of this, I&#8217;m not shocked. Taking care of one&#8217;s health is critical. As Mahatma Gandhi is credited for saying: “Real riches is health, not money and silver coins. “I believe that health is more than just a physical state. Because it&#8217;s so simple to become hurt or ill, your emotional well-being should take precedence over your physical health. All of us are at risk for this. Even if your brain stops working, you still have power over your life.</p>
<p>Our occupation is another factor that contributes to the quality of our lives. When it comes to earning a livelihood, we all know how important it is to engage in activities that bring us joy. Start with your head first if you want to improve your physical fitness and earn a livelihood doing what you enjoy. The remainder of the process will take care of itself.</p>
<p>To help you attain those goals, I&#8217;m going to share three suggestions with you in this post.</p>
<h4><strong>1. Enhance Your Attitude</strong></h4>
<p>Start a Project. Do not use any more resources. People may be divided into two categories: those who produce and those who consume. Creators, like customers, are both. Consumers, on the other hand, are not makers. Decide who you are and stick to it. Make a choice, and then stick to it. The pursuit of happiness and a more positive frame of mind is the subject of 300-page volumes. The more information you take in, the less effective it is going to be for you. Making one&#8217;s own will. Mike Thurston, for example, is a well-known internet fitness trainer. Recently, I came upon his YouTube videos. My show also included an interview with him. Mike informed me that he had made the decision to cease pursuing new clients. Instead, he gave out a tonne of value in order to generate demand. That’s how I stumbled onto him. People who are interested in fitness will find his films informative, entertaining, and helpful. As a result, he began to attract a following. For him, the rest was a piece of cake. The tutoring firm he now runs has him scheduled for months in advance. Hear the whole tale from Mike. To put it simply: Mike Thurston.</p>
<h4><strong>2. Strengthen Your Body</strong></h4>
<p>Start working out. Stop Working Out. Most of us have difficulty not with going to the gym or exercising, but a lack of motivation to do so. It&#8217;s all about FORMULA, not content. Your workout schedule may include going to the gym four times each week, for example. While doing things half-heartedly and without concentration, you may miss out on the success that is possible. So, quit working out, then. And get started with your workouts. There is a difference between doing and planning. What are you aiming for? The purpose of your body is to what? Is your goal to become more physically fit? Weight loss? How much oomph does it have? What are your weight loss goals? Why? When you have a goal in mind, you put in the time and effort necessary to achieve it. A lack of motivation might lead to a lack of focus when it comes to your workouts. It’s a no-brainer. But I&#8217;ve been working out for most of my adulthood. I&#8217;ve only been working out for the last six months. And I&#8217;m becoming stronger each day.</p>
<h4><strong>3. Earn A Living by Doing What You Enjoy</strong></h4>
<p>Let&#8217;s Get This Party Started Right Now. A camera and a laptop were all Mike Thurston needed to launch his YouTube channel, which now has over 220k followers. When you put it like way, it sounds like a cinch. However, we tend to over-complicate things. No matter how large your following or how much money or likes you think you need, all you really need to get started is just one step. Start later in the evening if you have a day job. If you have children, get started early in the morning. It isn&#8217;t difficult at all. We could go on and on about how vital it is to get started, but let&#8217;s not. You&#8217;re probably thinking, &#8220;I know I have to get started. Is there a way? “When things go wrong, it&#8217;s simple to come up with a reason why. Things like &#8220;I don&#8217;t have time, money, or energy&#8221; are often spoken by people. Even so, it&#8217;s simple to say so. To begin with, it&#8217;s difficult. Another item to consider: What&#8217;s the big deal? It’s never too early to start working on your dream job. Tomorrow isn&#8217;t going to happen. I won&#8217;t be around for another year. Today. You can&#8217;t miss it. It&#8217;s a straightforward process. Despite this, it seems to be effective.</p>
		<title>How To Get Freedom From A Cluttered Mind &#038; Brain</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 09 Feb 2024 19:30:15 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[I&#8217;d want to get your take on something. How many hours do you suppose there are in a day? “That’s something I never considered.&#8221; This is all I&#8217;m getting at. Even though you&#8217;re thinking all the time, you don&#8217;t realise how much time you spend pondering your thoughts. Addiction? It&#8217;s what that sounds like. I [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I&#8217;d want to get your take on something. How many hours do you suppose there are in a day? “That’s something I never considered.&#8221; This is all I&#8217;m getting at. Even though you&#8217;re thinking all the time, you don&#8217;t realise how much time you spend pondering your thoughts. Addiction? It&#8217;s what that sounds like. I should know, as I&#8217;m also a recovering thinker. “I’m overeating,&#8221; I may remark when I eat too much reducing my caloric intake is a priority for me.” The phrase &#8220;I&#8217;m becoming burnt out&#8221; comes to me when I&#8217;m working too much. Stop working, please. “I may tell myself, &#8220;I need to quit. Water is what I need right now.&#8221;</p>
<p>But I can&#8217;t simply declare &#8220;I&#8217;m overthinking&#8221; when I&#8217;m thinking too much. I need a new strategy to clear my mind. However, we have a problem in that we don&#8217;t think of overthinking as an issue. The assumption that only negative thoughts are incorrect is common when someone states that thinking too much is bad. And, as a result, it follows that positive thoughts are a good thing. That’s the blunder I&#8217;ve made in my thinking in the past. It is a fallacy to presume that happy thoughts are beneficial, and I will explain why in a moment</p>
<p>Before we go into the differences between positive and negative ideas, let&#8217;s first discuss the distinction.</p>
<h3><strong>          Positivity vs Pessimism: </strong></h3>
<p><strong>Negative thoughts, I believe, are closely linked to:</strong></p>
<li>You&#8217;re down on yourself.</li>
<li>laying the blame at the feet of others</li>
<p><strong>We may also agree that the following ideas are positive:</strong></p>
<li>attempting to find solutions</li>
<li>Understanding information</li>
<li>Defining objectives</li>
<p>Most self-help books advise people to stop dwelling on their problems and focus instead on the bright side of life. It&#8217;s a solid piece of advice if you think about it briefly. Negative ideas, on the other hand, just make our life more difficult. Isn&#8217;t that what positive thinking is supposed to do? That would be ideal. In reality, overusing your brain may cause it to get clogged like a drain. As a consequence, one&#8217;s judgement becomes clouded. This results in poor judgement. Your thoughts do not make you who you are. You may, of course, become anything you want yourself to be. As Marcus Aurelius said in Meditations, &#8220;No one articulated it better. Our lives are what we make them.&#8221;</p>
<p>The calibre of our ideas has a direct impact on the circumstances of our lives. That&#8217;s what I believe in. Nevertheless, the majority of us believe that we are our ideas. It’s as though these thoughts won&#8217;t leave my head. Then, that&#8217;s just my opinion.</p>
<p>That&#8217;s not you, either. You have the power to choose which ideas you want to keep in your head and which ones you don&#8217;t. In the Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle sums it up thusly:&#8221;Realizing that you are not the possessing entity—the thinker—is the beginning of liberation. “Only by ceasing to follow through on all of your ideas will you be able to shed your sense of self-identification. As an alternative, choose to live in the here and now, when there is no time for contemplation but just for the experience. Is there a way that you live your life in the here and now? Thought is a tool. When you&#8217;re awake, don&#8217;t utilise that tool for the 16 or 17 hours that you&#8217;re awake.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a good question, however. Stopping myself from overthinking has been a simple four-step approach for me.</p>
<li>Do your best to pay attention to what&#8217;s going on around you.</li>
<li>Always keep in mind that overthinking is counterproductive.</li>
<li>As soon as you become more conscious, you should begin paying attention to your thoughts.</li>
<li>Take a step back every time you begin to think and see how your thoughts progress. Doing this automatically puts an end to it.</li>
<p>You should only use your mind when it is absolutely necessary. Sit down and think about your everyday priorities for a while, for example. That might take up to five minutes. It&#8217;s okay to contemplate and act on your ideas during this period. When you&#8217;re writing a journal, you&#8217;re also thinking about what you&#8217;re writing about. That&#8217;s all right, too. We&#8217;re attempting to put an end to the incessant ruminations. Being a monk isn&#8217;t something we want to do. Life is short, so make the most of it!</p>
<p>Take a deep breath and let go of any ideas of the past or future. No matter how far you wish to go in the future or how much you&#8217;ve endured in the past, remember to be grateful for the moment you&#8217;re in RIGHT THIS MOMENT. You don&#8217;t need me to tell you how wonderful it is to be alive. You know that. I&#8217;m not going to advise you to &#8220;enjoy washing the dishes&#8221; or anything like that. Not my cup of tea. In the end, I&#8217;m unable to mislead myself. Rather of dwelling on the past or the future, I focus on the now. This time, I let go of every idea that had been running through my head. I don&#8217;t think about anything when I&#8217;m doing something I don&#8217;t like (washing the dishes). I don&#8217;t give a second thought to it. That is not the case if the task at hand is something that is really enjoyable to me (no matter how tiny or large). In the present, whether it&#8217;s when I&#8217;m watching a movie, playing a game, or hanging out with my family, friends, or partner.</p>
<p>The things I need to do in the future are not on my mind. Not much to say. Immediately. I&#8217;m here right now. Like the time you&#8217;ve taken to read this paragraph, for example. As soon as it&#8217;s gone, there is no going back.</p>
<p>You&#8217;ll never leave the present if you understand this on a deeper level. Are we all on the same page? OH no, don&#8217;t answer that question—ANSWER IT, PLEASE.</p>
		<title>These  Steps Will Help To Find Your Dream Job</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 02 Feb 2024 19:30:05 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[Even if you don&#8217;t like your work, many others do. Doing a job that you don&#8217;t like is common. We accept jobs we don&#8217;t enjoy because we need the money to pay our bills. Nobody would spend their time doing something they don&#8217;t care about for any other reason. I dare you to discover a [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Even if you don&#8217;t like your work, many others do. Doing a job that you don&#8217;t like is common. We accept jobs we don&#8217;t enjoy because we need the money to pay our bills. Nobody would spend their time doing something they don&#8217;t care about for any other reason. I dare you to discover a job that you like performing every day of the week—a career that you&#8217;ll look forward to all week long. You don&#8217;t even know you&#8217;re working! As a result, you aren&#8217;t just surviving for the weekend; you&#8217;re thriving. On the weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays, many of us are able to sustain ourselves. We spend over 40% of our waking hours at work, according to the American Time Use Survey. What would you do with 40% of your savings? No one I know of has ever said, &#8220;I have $10.000 in savings, I&#8217;ll simply give $4,000 to charity. “Time is more important than money. What&#8217;s the point of wasting your time? You&#8217;re doing something meaningful when you&#8217;re doing something you like. Stop wasting time and start searching for your ideal career!</p>
<p><strong>You may use these 9 steps as a guide:</strong></p>
<li>Decide precisely what kind of work you want to do. If a job doesn&#8217;t exist, make one yourself.</li>
<li>Make a decision on where you wish to work.</li>
<li>Take a look at the company you&#8217;d want to work for in the future</li>
<li>Get to know the skills you&#8217;ll need to succeed.</li>
<li>Make a self-assessment of your skills and limitations. You need to know exactly what you can bring to the table in terms of value.</li>
<li>Make a strategy for how you&#8217;re going to improve your skills in the future.</li>
<li>Apply now. Don&#8217;t bother looking for new employment. They&#8217;d be fools not to hire you if you can make a difference.</li>
<li>Make a list of what you want, what the firm needs, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can contribute to the company&#8217;s success. Employ the services of a copywriter or find someone who can. Have a sales representative have a look at it. You must be able to persuade others.</li>
<li>Identify the people who can employ you. Look for the department&#8217;s senior manager on LinkedIn and get in touch with him or her. Contact the CEO if it is a tiny firm.</li>
<p>If you choose this route, it will likely need more time and an in-depth evaluation of your abilities. Finding your ideal work isn&#8217;t easy, but the effort is well worth it. Financially and psychologically. Making a career out of something you like can save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run. As a result, you&#8217;ll likely make more money. It is impossible to make more money than everyone else if you follow the conventional hierarchical structure and climb the ladder in the same way.</p>
		<title>The Know How Of Focused Attention When You Are Anxious</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 26 Jan 2024 19:30:20 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[In June 2020, we&#8217;re in the midst of one of the most turbulent periods in recent memory. Health, economic and social crises are plaguing our nation. Most of us have difficulties keeping our attention on the work at hand. We&#8217;re focusing on a variety of things at once. In one of my monthly 1000-word emails [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In June 2020, we&#8217;re in the midst of one of the most turbulent periods in recent memory. Health, economic and social crises are plaguing our nation. Most of us have difficulties keeping our attention on the work at hand. We&#8217;re focusing on a variety of things at once. In one of my monthly 1000-word emails to my customers and students, one of my readers commented: In spite of the fact that this email is critical, my mind keeps wandering to the next thing I need to accomplish and I find myself skimming over the text. Because there is so much information, which is tough to go through, and because of this, I believe I am experiencing entrepreneurial anxiety.</p>
<p>That&#8217;s something I can identify with. The commenter made a great point. We&#8217;re stressed out because we&#8217;re dealing with so much information. We&#8217;re curious about the state of the planet and the people in our neighbourhoods. Despite our desire to keep informed and take action, is the worry worth it? Learn to regulate your focus if you want to overcome that form of anxiousness.</p>
<p>To that end, I&#8217;ve compiled a list of four suggestions.</p>
<h4>1. Improve Your Information Consumption</h4>
<p>One of Darren Hardy&#8217;s books, The Power of Compounding, is one of my favourites for personal growth. Darren discusses the influence of the &#8220;Garbage In, Garbage Out&#8221; axiom on our attitude toward life in that book.<br />
You&#8217;ll get the same results if you just read or watch news stories that incite dread in the reader. In my mind, it&#8217;s like this: Fear enters the body, and fear exits.</p>
<p>Having dread in your head does not guarantee that it will not have an effect on you. A week of watching television news will convert even the most confident individual into a shell of their former self. Fear-mongering has an effect on everyone. Make sure you&#8217;re aware of what you&#8217;re allowing to enter your head. Try to get information from more than one source rather than depending just on social media and television. Also, seek it out from private persons rather than institutional sources. Writers and journalists who aren&#8217;t influenced by corporate or ideological interests are many.</p>
<h4>2. Take Action Instead of Just Saying Things</h4>
<p>You don&#8217;t have to worry about how you seem to others. The fact that you&#8217;re against social injustice and sympathetic to those who are suffering as a result of Covid-19 does not need a constant demonstration. It seems that individuals are more concerned with what they say than what they do. Don’t waste your time on things that don&#8217;t have an influence on the world. Nike&#8217;s approach to social concerns over the last several years has impressed me. For example, in 2018, they publicly supported Colin Kaepernick&#8217;s Black Lives Matter protest. In spite of the criticism, they went through with the project. This is a great example of how Alex Ohanian from Reddit stepped down from his position on the board to encourage diversity. That&#8217;s an actual thing. You don&#8217;t have to worry about all the things you should have done if you do the right thing.</p>
<h4>3. Make a Good First Impression</h4>
<p>One of my goals in life is to be kinder to others around me. I&#8217;ve been working on this for a long time. For example, if I pay for something and it doesn&#8217;t operate well, I tend to feel irritated. My website was recently taken down by my hosting provider because they detected malware on it. And when I went to contact the firm, it wasn&#8217;t that simple. I tried to connect with a support person on their website, but they couldn&#8217;t assist me. He instructed me to send an email to him. I&#8217;d previously done that and hadn&#8217;t heard back from them. That enraged me. Instead of giving in to my feelings, I fought them. I choose to be polite from the get-go when I spoke with their customer service reps. In the past, I would call them in an irritated tone since the person on the chat couldn&#8217;t assist.</p>
<p>Michiel (Dutch name) proved to be an excellent member of the support staff. I could hear his infant crying as he worked from home. My son is resting his head on my lap as I&#8217;m working. &#8220;I&#8217;m in love,&#8221; he said. He was ultimately able to solve the issue (my site was fine, it was something else). Behaving politely is the greatest choice since it needs less effort. When you&#8217;re enraged, your focus shifts to the bad feelings you&#8217;re experiencing. And that&#8217;s a source of worry. 2 Being courteous will help you avoid this.</p>
<h4>4. Avoid Making &#8220;Minor&#8221; Errors</h4>
<p>Last weekend, after an absence of three months due to social isolation, I was able to see my dear buddy Quincy again. We had a little KFC two days ago and my belly still feels funny,&#8221; he stated when I asked him how he was doing. The thought has occurred to me. He did go to the bathroom for longer than normal. It’s a pain in the neck. Because we aren&#8217;t machines, we&#8217;re all familiar with what it&#8217;s like to stray from the route. Every one of us has lapses in judgement. Some people&#8217;s idea of a good time is binge-watching a whole season of a television programme for the duration of the weekend, while others simply don&#8217;t want to leave the home because they&#8217;re too tired. Having a cheat meal or taking a break is OK. I&#8217;m not referring to a vacation or a time to relax. I&#8217;m referring to the idea that &#8220;one piece of chocolate won&#8217;t do any harm.&#8221; If you do it every day, it will eventually start to damage your back and hips. As soon as one slip-up occurs, it&#8217;s simple to make another. In the blink of an eye, you&#8217;ve wiped out all of your momenta. You&#8217;re back where you started. Why is this important to you? Because starting over again requires a significant amount of effort. And it implies that you&#8217;ll constantly have to concentrate on getting started, rather than making steady progress in your endeavours.</p>
<h3><strong>You&#8217;re the Centre of Everything, so Pay Attention!</strong></h3>
<p>My mind does what pleases me, and I can&#8217;t stop it. False. To regulate your thoughts, you must be able to disregard anything that isn&#8217;t important to you. How to do it? Ignore the ideas that don&#8217;t matter. Practice makes perfect. I’ve been practising for a long time. My thoughts used to be all over the place. I was unable to maintain concentration for more than five minutes on a single job. Then, though, I grasped the importance of the issue. As a person, you have the power to direct your attention. Why? Because that&#8217;s what it&#8217;s all about the more you regulate your attention, the more power you have over your thoughts. As a consequence, you have complete authority over your daily activities. But the first step is to control your thoughts. Consider yourself the guardian of the most important resource on Earth: your own thoughts and feelings. When you give it time and attention, it will ultimately do what you want it to. It will bring you serenity if you desire it. It offers you what you want if you want it. The bargain is yours. The most essential instrument in life is yours to use.</p>
		<title>Self-Confidence Tips For A Successful Life</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 19 Jan 2024 19:30:29 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[Do you ever have self-conscious thoughts? No, I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve ever felt that way. Most of us have experienced this at some point or another. Everyone appears to be creating multibillion-dollar companies, becoming household names on YouTube, or gaining notoriety on Instagram. A majority of us, however, also realise that it&#8217;s a complete hoax. [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Do you ever have self-conscious thoughts? No, I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve ever felt that way. Most of us have experienced this at some point or another. Everyone appears to be creating multibillion-dollar companies, becoming household names on YouTube, or gaining notoriety on Instagram. A majority of us, however, also realise that it&#8217;s a complete hoax. There are folks that are enjoying fantastic lives and we don&#8217;t care whether they are or aren&#8217;t genuine. In the end, it doesn&#8217;t matter what you desire in life; it all boils down to this: How confident are you? What makes you so certain that you&#8217;ll say &#8220;screw it&#8221; and go after your goal? There is a fine line between being able to declare, &#8220;I don&#8217;t need that,&#8221; and being able to maintain your composure. You get the picture? If you want to succeed in life, you need to have a high level of self-confidence. This is true no matter what you&#8217;re aiming for.</p>
<p><strong>Lack of self-assurance has been linked to a variety of negative outcomes, including:</strong></p>
<li>feelings of isolation and exclusion</li>
<li>worse performance in school</li>
<li>a decrease in overall well-being</li>
<p>What I&#8217;ve discovered to be the most practical self-confidence philosophy is termed &#8220;confidence by competence. “In 1952, Bernice Milburn Moore wrote an essay in the journal of Educational Leadership titled Self-Confidence for Competence. Although the post focuses on teacher confidence, I&#8217;ve found it to be applicable in a variety of situations. There isn&#8217;t much variation in the definitions of self-assurance that you find online. According to Moore, it is &#8220;a confidence in oneself, a faith in one&#8217;s capacity to deal with whatever comes one&#8217;s way&#8221;</p>
<p>However, she emphasises the following: It’s just as useless to have self-confidence without being competent.</p>
<p>Going to business school is a sign of professionalism. Self-confidence and competence go hand in hand when you use your business skills to head your own firm. You can&#8217;t do much without the other. That comparison is both symmetrical and asymmetrical. Confidence in oneself without skill is likewise pointless—talking the talk is not a long-term solution. Talk and bluster are important, but you must also have the ability to back them up.</p>
<p><strong> Self-Esteem and Confidence</strong></p>
<p>As a result, improving your skills boosts your self-assurance. So that&#8217;s how it works, and there&#8217;s evidence to back it up. What can you do with this knowledge? The next stages are simple, yet accomplishing them requires a lot of effort. This is how it works:</p>
<li>Develop your abilities.</li>
<li>Practice what you&#8217;ve learned.</li>
<li>Take a look at the outcomes.</li>
<li>Increase your self-esteem</li>
<p>In other words, that&#8217;s the way things work. But, what if I don&#8217;t see any effects after all of this?&#8221; Because I&#8217;m too busy to practise,&#8221; he adds. That’s OK if you want to make excuses. It&#8217;s up to you. Instead than relying on intangibles like affirmations, this strategy relies on concrete actions. Confidence does not spring out of thin air. It has to be worked for. No matter how many times you tell yourself that you&#8217;re confident, fortunate to be alive, or anything else, you&#8217;ll never be able to believe in yourself if you don&#8217;t have the ability to get things done. Most self-help authors and theories fall within this category. Affirmations, optimistic thinking, and goal setting are all excellent, but without action, they&#8217;re worthless. If you don&#8217;t accomplish anything, how can you expect to gain self-assurance? It&#8217;s a no-brainer that this can&#8217;t happen. It’s impossible to boost one&#8217;s self-esteem and self-confidence more than success. He was influenced by Thomas Carlyle. What skills do I need to work on?</p>
<p>What you&#8217;re looking for will have an impact on your decision.</p>
<p>There are, however, certain abilities that I feel every individual can benefit from, such as perseverance.</p>
<p><strong>Emotional intelligence</strong> – Humans are social beings, according to research. We would all perish if we didn&#8217;t have healthy interpersonal connections. Emotional intelligence is a must if you want to have healthy relationships. This means being able to recognise and appropriately react to the emotions of others. A skill may be learned. It is possible to cultivate self-awareness by constantly reflecting on your thoughts and feelings. Think about why you do what you do, what you can do better, and what you&#8217;re doing well; write down your ideas. Self-awareness is the key to happiness.</p>
<p><strong>Identifying and fixing issues</strong> — When our modern educational system was established, the industrial revolution was only beginning to take hold. We&#8217;re taught to function as though we&#8217;re a part of a machine. We&#8217;re not taught how to address complicated issues; instead, we follow orders. Because of this, a person who is better at addressing problems will prevail in today&#8217;s changing environment. If you assume that wishing for better circumstances would bring it about, you&#8217;re deluded. As soon as you see the benefits of your hard work, you begin to believe that you are capable of doing everything you set your mind to.</p>
<p>Do things, become better at them, see the results, repeat the process, and get even more confidence.</p>
		<title>The Know How Of Breaking Negative Thought Loop</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 12 Jan 2024 19:30:45 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[A negative thinking cycle might start with anything as little as a niggling feeling. There is a chance that someone may say something that offends me. A little injury may keep me from exercising. Something may go wrong at work. That’s the sensation, isn&#8217;t it? Everything in your life &#8211; profession, health, and personal relationships [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A negative thinking cycle might start with anything as little as a niggling feeling. There is a chance that someone may say something that offends me. A little injury may keep me from exercising. Something may go wrong at work. That’s the sensation, isn&#8217;t it? Everything in your life &#8211; profession, health, and personal relationships &#8211; starts to seem like a game of Russian roulette. Despite your best efforts, the issue persists. You attempt to solve it yourself. You&#8217;re obligated to deal with the commotion. The problem is that you don&#8217;t have any control over the commotion. That just serves to aggravate your annoyance. Negative ideas are taking over your mind right now. This was the tipping point when a little inconvenience turned into a major issue. The thought of abandoning your career or relationship makes you want to. Everything seems to be working against you. And that nothing in life is worth the effort. Negative mental patterns are common. That&#8217;s something I&#8217;ve encountered on a regular basis. And I&#8217;m sure you&#8217;ve had the same experience. Why does this happen to us? It’s a matter of power. We believe that life should proceed in a specific manner. This means that everything should go as we plan. It has to work, or else we&#8217;ll freak out. It&#8217;s common for people to get into a negative mental cycle when something ends.</p>
<h3><strong>Inquiring minds want to know:</strong></h3>
<p><strong>When There&#8217;s a Gap</strong></p>
<p>Everything in life has an expiration date. Every aspect of your professional and personal life is intertwined. To put it another way, everything in our lives is a death in some way. Everything that dies leaves a hole in our hearts. This incident is neither good nor harmful in and of itself. It&#8217;s a part of life&#8217;s cycle. If we strive to replace the item that has departed our lives, we might transform its departure into something negative. For example, many individuals attempt to fill the hole left after a breakup by taking on more responsibilities. This has happened to me before. When a relationship ends, you get back all the time and energy you invested in it. In an effort to avoid feeling lonely, you work more in an attempt to fill the emptiness. Setting greater objectives and doing a better job is what you want. However, that&#8217;s just you trying to escape reality. The fact is that endings aren&#8217;t fun. On the other hand, it&#8217;s a part of life. We shouldn&#8217;t put up a fight against the tide of change. There are things in life that cannot be replaced. You can&#8217;t just spend more time with your spouse if you lose your job. Despite this, many of us do just that. When we lose our jobs or fail in our jobs, we think, &#8220;At least I can spend more time with my family now. “You’re attempting to fill a vacuum with your actions. But that&#8217;s a lot of work. When even a seemingly little event triggers a negative thinking cycle, your whole foundation begins to tremble. Why? Because you&#8217;ve had a shaky foundation for so long.</p>
<p><strong>There Is a Time and a Place for Everything</strong></p>
<p>You can&#8217;t make up for the absence of a meaningful connection with more jobs or physical activity. Alcohol and drugs will never be able to make up for a lack of health. A spiritual gap cannot be filled by spirituality. When you&#8217;re attempting to get away from reality, you need to catch yourself. This is one of the most difficult aspects of living. Denial is a way of life for many individuals. That is not something we can allow to happen. It&#8217;s time for us to look inside, not outside. From personal experience, I can attest to the difficulty of this task. Any time anything ends in my life, I have a hard time accepting it. My initial instinct is to look for a new employee. Everything has a place, and I&#8217;ve come to realise that. Your boyfriend or girlfriend can&#8217;t replace your buddies. More work will never be a substitute for regular exercise. In order to get the most out of every day, it&#8217;s important to set aside enough time and energy for everything. We know from thousands of years of evolution that all humans have the same basic requirements. We need safety, support, connections, joy, perspective, and purposeful use of our time to keep us sane and happy. To a person, this holds true. A helicopter vision is required when you realise this fundamental truth about life. It&#8217;s time to broaden your outlook on life. You can&#8217;t see the forest through the trees while you&#8217;re locked in a rut of negativity. You&#8217;re engrossed in your ideas, and they&#8217;re consuming you. Taking a broader view of life is something you must push yourself to do. It&#8217;s not only what&#8217;s going on right now, though. Look at the nature of life, and you&#8217;ll see that it revolves around movement.</p>
<p><strong>Breaking the Negative Thought Loop Through Letting Go</strong></p>
<p>The Untethered Soul author and former CEO of a multinational software firm, Michael A. Singer, summed up the notion of letting go this way: “It’s a really stark contrast. Either you let go or you don&#8217;t,&#8221; he says. He knows what he is talking about. The Department of Justice brought a case against Singer on charges of securities fraud. In that point, he was in danger of losing all he had. Although he was eventually exonerated of all accusations, he had already let go of the case long before then. The Untethered Soul was written when he was persecuted, in reality. You and I can let go if a person who is in danger of losing everything is able to do so. Everyone has their own set of rationalisations for why they can&#8217;t do anything. It&#8217;s stated that letting go is more difficult than it seems. Breaking a negative thinking cycle isn&#8217;t as simple as you would think. Every one of us is faced with our unique set of difficulties. Some individuals will go to great lengths to persuade others that they are really suffering. Nobody really gives a damn. You are the one who let&#8217;s go.</p>
<p><strong>So, if you find yourself caught in a negative thinking cycle, you have two choices:</strong></p>
<li>You allow yourself to be destroyed by it.</li>
<li>It&#8217;s time to let go and go on with your life.</li>
<p>There&#8217;s no right or wrong answer. And it really is that easy. See for yourself if you choose one of those two possibilities or the other.</p>
		<title>How to Be Wiseful &#038; Successful In Life</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 05 Jan 2024 19:30:19 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[What does being wise imply? It has nothing to do with a person&#8217;s IQ or degree, in my opinion. Someone who uses their common sense is wise. That sounds contradictory, right? After all, common sense is common. It&#8217;s about common knowledge, lessons, and wisdom. However, not everyone puts what they know into practice. In fact, [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What does being wise imply? It has nothing to do with a person&#8217;s IQ or degree, in my opinion. Someone who uses their common sense is wise. That sounds contradictory, right? After all, common sense is common. It&#8217;s about common knowledge, lessons, and wisdom. However, not everyone puts what they know into practice. In fact, it&#8217;s unusual to see someone using common sense. I know a few people who I believe to be wise, but none of them is geniuses. They&#8217;re just ordinary people who are dependable, experienced, calm, and good.</p>
<h4><strong>  I&#8217;ll describe six habits/behaviours I&#8217;ve noticed through monitoring them in this essay.</strong></h4>
<p><strong>1. Make decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.</strong></p>
<p>The majority of people unconsciously make assumptions. We make assumptions if we are unsure about something. I’m making an assumption if I send someone an email regarding a business proposition and they don&#8217;t respond within two days, leading me to believe they aren&#8217;t interested. The perception that someone isn&#8217;t interested because they don&#8217;t answer right away is based on assumptions rather than facts. I can&#8217;t say if we have a contract or not until I hear an answer in that case. We make a lot of these assumptions in our daily lives. And the majority of our conclusions are based on our own personal opinions. The issue is that we can&#8217;t trust our views since they are so personal. Instead of interpreting things based on your ideas, opinions, and feelings, focus on facts. This is a quick shortcut you can use: &#8220;How do I know what I&#8217;m thinking is true?&#8221; question yourself when you observe your thoughts. You may discover that you need to ask more questions, conduct additional research, or simply wait for feedback.</p>
<p><strong>2. Begin with the fundamentals.</strong></p>
<p>Aristotle, an Ancient Greek philosopher, developed the phrase &#8220;thinking from primary principles.&#8221; In a conversation with Kevin Rose, Elon Musk stated this concept very well. Some people believe that thinking from the ground up implies not making assumptions. However, for Musk, it implies that you look beyond the facts.</p>
<p>&#8220;People would argue, &#8216;Historically, it cost $600 per kilowatt-hour, and it&#8217;s not going to be any better than that in the future,&#8221; he said in the interview. No, what are the batteries made of, you say. &#8220;OK, what are the material ingredients of the batteries?&#8221; is what the first principle means. The realities of today might sometimes limit you. The cost of batteries has been at a given level for a while, but that doesn&#8217;t imply it can&#8217;t go lower. Thinking from the ground up allows you to question the status quo. It&#8217;s observing what is and imagining what might be while bearing in mind the laws of human nature and physics. “Is there a better way we can do this?&#8221; wise people always ask.</p>
<p><strong>3. Read widely and frequently.</strong></p>
<p>Every sensible person I know is well-versed in a wide range of subjects, from history to economics to psychology. We&#8217;re all born with a remarkable brain that serves as the ideal tool for problem-solving. However, that instrument needs energy and nourishment to perform effectively. It&#8217;s simple to feed your body: just eat.</p>
<p>But what about mental nourishment? This is a topic that few people take seriously. The majority of people&#8217;s days are divided between work and recreation. When do you take care of your mind? It occurs when you are mentally challenged. That doesn&#8217;t happen very often at work or in social situations. And it certainly doesn&#8217;t happen when we&#8217;re watching something entertaining. Acquiring knowledge is the finest approach to challenging oneself intellectually. Reading a book is the simplest way to accomplish this. You can also read a book or enrol in a course. Every day, wise people do something that challenges their minds. They are voracious readers. They also read a lot because learning new things provides the most mental stimulation.</p>
<p><strong>  4. Give yourself plenty of time to make decisions.</strong></p>
<p>Many people believe that smart people are &#8220;quick on their feet&#8221; in today&#8217;s fast-paced society. Making effective decisions, however, is not always a result of speed. Being a rapid decision-maker pays well in some situations.</p>
<p>You may have heard of the Archegos investment fund. In April 2021, the fund made headlines when it borrowed billions of dollars to make several high-risk stock trades. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, and Nomura were among the investment banks that Archegos borrowed money from. When the American investment banks discovered that Archegos&#8217; bets had failed, they acted immediately. They sold all of their equities before the market started and other banks could react. As a result, Credit Suisse and Nomura suffered significant financial losses in the billions of millions. That is an example of when speed paid pays.</p>
<p>However, we frequently become speedy decision-makers by becoming sluggish decision-makers first. Although it may appear paradoxical, it is the same process as running a marathon. Nobody ever runs a marathon for the first time. Similarly, no effective decision-maker can be swift in their early years of employment. It’s critical to give yourself as much time as possible to make your decision. But not any longer. Otherwise, we risk procrastinating without cause.</p>
<p><strong>  5. Pay attention to others</strong>.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s amusing to me that the most oblivious people have trouble listening to advice, yet the sharpest people are usually the first to listen to everyone. When I was in college, one of my mentors questioned me about my thoughts on the 2008 financial crisis. “How do we proceed from here?&#8221; He inquired of me. What did I know as a freshman in college? Despite this, my mentor took the time to listen to my concerns. He was also genuinely interested. Since then, I&#8217;ve been acutely conscious of how frequently I&#8217;m interested in other people&#8217;s perspectives and insights. Almost no one seems to care, in my experience. The majority of people prefer to listen to their own voices and are uninterested in what others have to say. My wise friends are the polar opposite. They enjoy learning from others and are constantly open to new concepts.</p>
<p><strong>6. Make mistakes and learn from them.</strong></p>
<p>Mistakes are viewed as lessons by wise people. &#8220;Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from faulty judgement,&#8221; Ralph Waldo Emerson observed. We all make poor decisions and errors. That isn&#8217;t the point. When you make a mistake, how do you react? That is crucial. Do you utilise it to educate yourself? Or do you get more risk cautious with each blunder you make? The former will aid your growth, while the latter will hasten your demise. It’s critical to understand that it&#8217;s okay to make errors as you go through life. The world&#8217;s smartest people do not generally make fewer blunders. They simply do not let their errors go to waste. All of the lessons I&#8217;ve learnt from wise people have one common thread: they make sure they acquire something nice and valuable out of every interaction. Everything they do feeds into the next thing they do.</p>
<p>This is how you start a positive cycle in your life. That suggests things will only grow better for you.</p>
		<title>How To Be Productive In Difficult Times</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 29 Dec 2023 19:30:22 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[Everything is stable in a perfect world. You have the ability to design plans that will always come true. You have the ability to anticipate events. But, as you and I both know, life isn&#8217;t like that. In real life, a single random (and unexpected) event can derail all of your good intentions, aspirations, and [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Everything is stable in a perfect world. You have the ability to design plans that will always come true. You have the ability to anticipate events. But, as you and I both know, life isn&#8217;t like that. In real life, a single random (and unexpected) event can derail all of your good intentions, aspirations, and plans for change. Think of…</p>
<p>• A deceased member of the family.</p>
<p>• Having a child.</p>
<p>• Being involved in an automobile accident.</p>
<p>• A disaster at work that results in bankruptcy.</p>
<p>• Love at first sight.</p>
<p>Unexpected circumstances can throw everything off. That has happened to me multiple times in my life. And there&#8217;s nothing you can do to avoid unforeseen circumstances. To be clear, I&#8217;m not referring to negative occurrences when I say pandemonium. Good things might sometimes detract from our ability to concentrate. Life may be unpredictably unpredictable. We still have to function despite the volatility. We must get up, respect the people in our lives, do our tasks, and discover inner peace. We have two options, in my opinion.</p>
<p>• We accept that life is chaotic and adjust accordingly.</p>
<p>• Because &#8220;life is hard,&#8221; we refuse to adjust and become dissatisfied.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a no-brainer for me. The former is my preference. But how can you adjust when life throws you a curveball? How can you stay productive when you can barely catch your breath before having to cope with the next task?</p>
<p>Here are three suggestions to assist you to overcome those obstacles.</p>
<p><strong>1. Concentrate on your tasks.</strong></p>
<p>It&#8217;s easy to create tunnel vision when something important comes up in your life. Something random can engulf your entire life before you know it. Let&#8217;s say you have a crush on someone. And all of a sudden, all you can think about is that person. You are unable to concentrate on your work. You lose sight of your buddies. You&#8217;ve stopped going to the gym. You simply want to be with that person. Even while being in love is wonderful, there is more to life. Sure, savouring today is important. However, we must not lose sight of our ultimate goal in life. Under no circumstances can we neglect our work, family, friends, or health. I keep reminding myself of why I do what I do to stay focused and not give up my beliefs. I do this by keeping a daily journal. You can always find 10 minutes to sit down and ponder, no matter how crazy your life is. There are none. In addition, I review my objectives on a daily basis. That reminds me of my destination. You&#8217;ll keep going once you know where you want to go. That&#8217;s all there is to it. Want to learn more about remaining focused in stressful situations? Listen to my most recent podcast episode on the subject.</p>
<p><strong>2. Do short spurts of work</strong></p>
<p>Always be prepared to complete tasks. Instead of playing with your phone whenever you have a free moment, fit in some work. Even if it&#8217;s just for eight minutes. I always carry my laptop and notebook with me. Those two items are constantly with me. When my life is chaotic, I pull out my laptop whenever I have a spare moment.<br />
It makes no difference what time it is, where I am, or how long I can work—I work whenever I get the chance.<br />
However, working in short spurts is difficult. After all, you can&#8217;t really concentrate. In an ideal world, you would set aside hours of time for a single vital activity. That is how profound work is done.</p>
<p>Short bursts of work only work if you know what you&#8217;re doing (Step 1). That’s why I usually have a big list of tasks to complete. So, when I work in short bursts, I know I can&#8217;t waste time surfing the web or pondering &#8220;What should I do next?&#8221;<br />
The procedure is straightforward. I take out my laptop, glance over my to-do list, and choose one thing that appeals to me at the time. My to-do list is made up of critical tasks. As a result, it makes no difference which task is completed first. For example, I&#8217;m working on this essay for the ninth time (I lost track). My life currently lacks structure. That&#8217;s fine, though. I continue to write articles. Keep in mind that your purpose is not to work in this manner indefinitely. Return to your regular activities once the storm has passed.</p>
<p><strong>3. Keep yourself fuelled</strong></p>
<p>Life can be difficult. To cope with the physical and mental strain you face, you need the right fuel. I’m not a nutritionist. However, I am an expert on my own diet. I&#8217;m not usually a fan of trial and error. When it comes to dieting, however, that&#8217;s my go-to method. I’ve tried a variety of diets and eating habits. My first meal, which is at approximately 11:30 a.m., consists primarily of protein and unsaturated fat. To put it another way, I don&#8217;t eat breakfast. These days, it&#8217;s known as intermittent fasting. That isn&#8217;t new information. Breakfast has been skipped for a long time. Look, I can&#8217;t give you diet advice because everyone&#8217;s needs are different. But I can suggest a few things to think about: Don’t believe anything the health business tells you. Everyone has something to sell (and I don&#8217;t just mean stuff; I&#8217;m also talking about ideas).</p>
<p>Distinguish between eating habits (when you eat, how often you eat, etc.) and diets (the type of foods you consume like protein, fat, and carbs). Experimentation should be done with caution. Only try things that aren&#8217;t hazardous to your health (don&#8217;t starve yourself, and don&#8217;t try strange diets like eating only red meat). Keep track of how you feel after eating certain foods. Things that make you feel awful should be removed from your diet.<br />
That&#8217;s how I discovered my ideal foods and eating habits. Every evening, for example, I eat rice. I love it. I become hungry quickly and don&#8217;t feel as sharp if I don&#8217;t eat rice. Should I give up rice because some random individual on the internet says so? No, absolutely not.</p>
<p><strong>Creating Order Out of Chaos</strong></p>
<p>I used to despise uncertainty. That&#8217;s something I believe you learn as you become older. People say things like, &#8220;Get a safe job! “They don&#8217;t warn you, though, that a secure job will make you sluggish and weak in the long run. Why? Because you&#8217;re protected.</p>
<p>In 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Jordan Peterson expressed it best: “Order is insufficient. Because there are still significant and important new things to learn, you can&#8217;t merely remain steady, secure, and unchanging. “Uncertainty, on the other hand, motivates people to take action. That’s why I&#8217;ve grown to appreciate the unknown. It forces me to find solutions to all of my problems. And if you start living that way, you won&#8217;t be able to operate effectively without them. Know that once you&#8217;ve reached that point, you&#8217;re safe.</p>
		<title>Simple Tips To Become More Assertive In Life</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 22 Dec 2023 19:30:01 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[My mum taught me how to be forceful. She always expresses her views, is confident in saying no, acts in the best interests of her family, and considers the greater good. She is the most forceful person I have ever met. No one will be able to take advantage of her. If you make an [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>My mum taught me how to be forceful. She always expresses her views, is confident in saying no, acts in the best interests of her family, and considers the greater good. She is the most forceful person I have ever met. No one will be able to take advantage of her. If you make an attempt, she will let you know. And you&#8217;re not going to like it.</p>
<p>What exactly is assertiveness? The leading authorities in this topic are Robert E. Alberti and Michael L. Emmons. Their 1970 book, Your Perfect Right, is considered a classic on the subject. Assertive behaviour is defined as follows:&#8221; Behavior that allows a person to behave in his or her own best interests, to stand up for himself without unnecessary concern, to express his or her true feelings without violating the rights of others.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>There are three sorts of behaviour in general:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Passive:</strong> Indirect, dishonest, does not take control, is nice at all costs, and is preoccupied with others.</p>
<p><strong>Assertive:</strong> Direct, honest, self-worth, to-the-point, self-centred, respect others.</p>
<p><strong>Aggressive:</strong> Harmful, selfish, willing to win at all costs, justify the means, and strives to control others.</p>
<p>The majority of behaviour in our society occurs at the extremes. How frequently do you encounter dishonesty at home, with friends, or at work? It&#8217;s not always because someone is trying to harm you. It&#8217;s typically because the majority of people are passive. They choose to lie because they are terrified of confrontation. However, there are many aggressive individuals. Aggression, according to some, is growing increasingly common around the world. I&#8217;m not sure about it, but I am certain that no one likes being around violent people. The ideal position is in the middle. You should be polite, firm, and not confrontational. That is the essence of assertiveness.</p>
<p><strong>A Technique for Assertion</strong></p>
<p>But how do you increase your assertiveness? You must practise like anything else in life if you want to develop. And practising with aggressive people and in confrontational circumstances is the greatest way to learn.<br />
Do the following the next time you&#8217;re in a stressful circumstance or have to deal with an angry person: Remove yourself from the circumstance and the person. Assume you&#8217;re keeping an eye on the issue. You should avoid being emotionally connected at all costs. If you want to be more forceful, this is the most crucial thing to remember. And after you&#8217;ve removed yourself from the situation, you can just get to the point. Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean. I called a construction company the other day to have them come out and fix a leak in my flat. &#8220;We don&#8217;t have anyone right now,&#8221; the guy said bluntly, attempting to dismiss me.</p>
<p>&#8220;What am I supposed to do?&#8221; I asked, separated from the circumstance and realising it wasn&#8217;t personal. When it rains, throw everything away. &#8220;How would you react? “That went on for a while until he finally said, &#8220;OK, OK, I&#8217;ll come by myself.&#8221; He arrived at my residence two hours later and rectified the leak. The issue has been resolved. We frequently exacerbate situations that aren&#8217;t necessarily dangerous. We enable them to become personal as a result. However, we must recognise that others are dealing with their own problems. It&#8217;s never about you. Or, instead, we do everything we can to avoid escalation. However, this works against us.</p>
<p>&#8220;OK,&#8221; I used to respond when anything like this happened in the past. When will you be able to send someone over?&#8221; Then there was the matter of waiting. That is typical passivity. To get what you desire in this world, you must be assertive. You don&#8217;t have to be a bully, but you should be a little pushy. It strikes me as sincerity. I was merely truthful with him. I had an issue that needed to be resolved.</p>
<p><strong>It&#8217;s All in the Practice</strong></p>
<p>We must be cautious not to overdo it as we get more assertive. Otherwise, we run the risk of becoming hostile or domineering. According to new research, informal leaders who have &#8220;a reasonable level of assertiveness and warmth&#8221; are more liked and respected. That is extremely accurate. When we are overly kind, we risk being taken advantage of. We push others away when we are too forceful. But if we&#8217;re direct while also being considerate of others, we can do a lot more together. Unfortunately, being assertive simply makes you more assertive. You&#8217;ll need to practise. Every social situation can be viewed as a negotiation.</p>
<p>Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is a book I strongly recommend. In fact, it was from that book that I learnt the &#8220;How am I supposed to do that?&#8221; strategy. Ask the inquiry when somebody makes you a proposal you don&#8217;t like. &#8220;What am I expected to do?&#8221; I altered it in my instance. You&#8217;ve placed the ball in the opponent&#8217;s court. That&#8217;s an excellent strategy for dealing with difficult situations. Allow others to find a solution. However, some people require a little prodding to achieve their goals. And that is precise what assertiveness is: a gentle nudge in the correct direction.</p>