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Daily Habits Quotes

"When things are in order, they're easier to deal with."— Dr.Purushothaman Kollam

Understanding The Know – How Of Making Better Life Decisions

Throughout our lives, we are faced with difficult decisions that must be made. But instead of making a deliberate decision, we simply choose what is most convenient or logical. A job you don’t enjoy just to make ends meet can quickly turn into your career path. There are many people who decide to get married because they’ve been together for a long time. As opposed to making decisions based on what they believe or what their standards require, they opt for what is quick and easy. Decisions that are made quickly are often misunderstood as the result of intuition. Even though you know it’s wrong, you make the decision anyway because it is convenient. How do you go about making decisions in your life? Whether or not you mimic others is a matter of personal choice. Choose the same courses and degrees that your friends do. Why do some people

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Better Don’t Keep On Unattainable Expectations In Life

How many times have you been hurt, disappointed, enraged, or stressed because of the disparity between your expectations and what actually happened? Creativity is a natural part of our DNA. And when we set out to accomplish a goal, we expect it to go exactly as planned. Do you recognise this? Finishing my degree is on my agenda.” There will be a stampede of firms waiting to work with me. I’ll go with the one that pays the most. And then I’ll be very wealthy. “Honestly, she’s one of my favourites. We’ll go out for a while. We’re all moving in together. Become legally wed. She’s going to want four children. We settle for just two. Invest in a beachfront vacation home. Boom. “A happy life is a good life.” “I’ve got a fantastic business plan.” I’ll go out and get some money. Build the product with the help of

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Experience In Life Is For A Definite Purpose

Do you have a strong desire to live life to its fullest? Do you have a sense of unfulfilled potential? Many people have a wish list that includes a variety of exciting activities. And they’re on the hunt for those things with all their might. Getting a new car or a high-paying job isn’t as important to me as having life-changing experiences. The mentality I had when I gave up my compulsion to buy things and got out of the rat race was this: I was inspired to change my lifestyle after reading books on philosophy and personal development. I’m not the only one who feels this way. Millions of people around the world are choosing to abandon traditional ways of thinking in favour of something new. Their bucket list is long, and it includes everything from hiking in the Andes to watching hot air balloons over Turkey to surfing

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7 Universal Skills That You Should Know

What does it look like to be successful? In the end, what do you want to achieve in life? What do you want to do in life? “I don’t know” is the most common response. That isn’t all, either. You can do whatever you want with that. If you have no idea what you want to do with your life, we consider it the worst possible outcome. It’s like, “OMG!” we exclaim. No idea what I’m after! Then comes the full-blown panic. It happens to everyone, let’s face it. Because seeing your old college buddy get married is even more heart-warming. Your co-worker who started the same day as you just got a promotion or something like that. When we’re weak, we reveal our own lack of confidence in the course of our lives. Thought I needed to know exactly what I wanted to do with the rest of my

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Simple Tips To Improve Our Life

Are you free to help me? What’s your self-awareness level? When it comes to self-awareness, it doesn’t even matter how good you are. Even if you’re aware of who you are, you’re not actually BEING who you are. Is this familiar to you? If you haven’t already, here are some more: • At work and at home, are you one and the same person? • Does your personality change when you’re around other people? • In what situations do you feel compelled to act differently? Frequently, the first two questions are answered “no,” and the last one is answered “yes.” We do this because we believe that we have to act in a different way depending on the situation. It’s not true. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Having the courage to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest

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Let Us Focus On The End Result, Rather Than The What & Why

Imagine if your entire life was a construction project of a house. You could also imagine that you were born with a single tool attached to your right hand. Think of it this way: you were born with the ability to use a hammer. Nail-slamming into wood is your primary strength. But a hammer isn’t just for pounding nails. “Hammers are used for a wide range of driving, shaping, and breaking applications,” says Wikipedia. If we’re going to build a house, we’ll need all of those things. It’s a vital duty. Let’s say, on the other hand, you despise them. You’d rather draw with a pencil than a pen-like your next-door neighbour, Jimbo. He is an artist, a writer, a designer, and a doodler. You’re always frustrated and angry because you can’t do anything with a hammer. Almost everyone tells you to make use of your “gift,” “look, buddy; use

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Understanding The Secret Of A Happy Life

Even if there’s no reason to smile, I’ll still put on a happy face because I’m content with my life. Yes, I am one of those people who never fails to crack a smile when you see them. Entering a room, I always wear a smile. When I see other people, my face lights up. The only time when I’m happy is when I’m alone. When the sun comes out, I’m always happy. Even when things are difficult, I’m able to laugh. What the heck am I thinking? Pessimistically, the answer is yes. Smiles, on the other hand, are an expression of one’s personality. Most people believe that it’s a result of something else. “There’s no reason for me to smile,” she said. That’s all there is to it. You’ve got it all backwards. You don’t have to buy anything or do anything to make someone smile. Smiling reminds me

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115 Core Ideas & Values In Life

Like a tree’s root system, a person’s core values are essential to their well-being. The way we are and the people we are being shaped by them. We can’t know who we are or what we want from life if we don’t have values to guide us. Developing a personal value system is a critical first step in the personal development process. For your convenience, I’ve compiled a list of over 500 core values that I found online. Leaders and inspiring people use these values. There are 115 core values that I narrowed down for this page. I went through the list I had made and deleted any duplicates that I could find. As an illustration, the words “adventure” and “adventurous” are interchangeable nouns. The lists I found were clogged with these kinds of duplicates. I also omitted anything that wasn’t necessary. I came across values like “fashion” and “profits,”

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Understanding Good Self- Discipline Creating Habits

      Discipline means being able to force yourself to do things, even when you don’t feel like it. There are few things more important in life than that. More so than ever before in 2020, when we’ll all be compelled to work and spend more time at home. There’s not much we can do outside of the house. That necessitates self-control. Lots of self-control. We’re unable to do things like go on vacation, eat out, shop, watch movies at the theatre, or attend concerts, for example. Despite this, we’re expected to uphold high standards of personal conduct. As a result, we’re tasked with everything from working from home to keeping in touch with our loved ones via video calls. Our default state will be to give up if we lack self-control. Because even if you’re not aware of it, we’re all on a collision course toward a chaotic future.

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Believe In Yourself Is The Key For A Successful Life

We can’t accomplish our goals unless we believe in ourselves. If we keep doubting ourselves, it’s difficult to be content, have a fulfilling career, and have a positive impact on the lives of others. Without self-belief, we’ll spend our lives avoiding failure, criticism, and risk by keeping our heads buried in the sand. We think we’ll never be enough if we don’t believe in ourselves. We’re always on the lookout for the next certification, position, and so on. No one else will have faith in us if we don’t have faith in ourselves. What you believe is what you get. Many of my friends and acquaintances tell me that they’re not good at math when I tell them about my investments. You can also say, “Investing is only for the rich and famous. “As a result, they never even try to invest. Investor books often state, “You can’t beat the

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