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Daily Habits Quotes

"When things are in order, they're easier to deal with."— Dr.Purushothaman Kollam

You Can Change Your LIfe, By Changing The Mindset

When it comes to self-improvement, adopting a positive return habit is the best strategy. It is for this reason that a lot of advice focuses on changing one’s thoughts and habits. Every habit expert, on the other hand, conveniently ignores the disadvantage. In the words of 17th-century English poet John Dryden: Our habits are formed first, and then we are formed by them. The dual nature of this quote is what makes it so enticing to read. It’s easy to see why habits are good for you by reading this quote. As soon as you establish a routine, your habit will take care of itself. Performing an action is no longer a conscious decision. It doesn’t matter if you’re exercising, writing, or simply being grateful. As a cautionary tale, that quote also reveals the dangers. It’s time to ponder it. Are you willing to let go of your sense of

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Absolute Belief Is The Key To Achievement

My guess is that you’ve already made up your mind. “This guy probably read a motivational quote on social media and now he’s telling us that nothing is impossible. Yeah right. “I think the world has no shortage of motivational articles, books, videos, or Facebook posts. You don’t need a bigger dose of motivation. You know why? That type of motivation is not practical. It doesn’t do anything. Because it doesn’t serve a purpose. It’s the same as drinking Red Bull. It quickly dissipates. When it comes to belief, on the other hand, it is a powerful tool. Many people also fail to take advantage of it. The problem is that most of us lack the faith necessary to take action. And when I speak of faith, I do so from a standpoint of application. I’m not referring to faith or hope. I don’t think you can just “hope” for

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The Art Of None Attention To What Others Think & Do

Is it important to you how others perceive you? Or are you more concerned with the actions of others? You’re not the only one who feels this way. While it might seem that people are selfish, most of us care a lot about what others think. Everyone’s thoughts and actions are influenced by those around them, as you’ll discover if you look closely enough. The following are some examples: • Who has been to the gym for years and always thinks others have bigger muscles than him? • It’s the girl who doesn’t want her friends and family to judge her for not pursuing a career path. • It’s the guy who only wears shorts and T-shirts because he is afraid of what the “bros” will think. • It’s the guy who thinks that because of his accent, people won’t take him seriously • The girl who thinks her followers

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Setting Goals For A Successful Life

When you set goals for yourself, you’re putting effort into pursuing your aspirations. But before you start chasing your dreams, you should first define your goals clearly. Make your own goals if you don’t have any. Everything is preferable to having no goals at all. Find out what it is you want to do with your life even if you don’t know what it is yet. A few people have told me, “I’m just not a person who works hard.” Ambition and goals aren’t something you’re born with. Accomplishment or growth in life can only be achieved through a conscious decision to seek it out. Even if you have a reason for existing, life is still meaningless if you don’t have any specific goals in mind. As a result of our inability to passively wait for good things to happen, goal-setting is a necessity. “Hope” isn’t a tactic, either. As

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The Art Of Prioritizing Long-Term Thoughts

You have a wide range of options for achieving your objectives. In any endeavour, you’ll likely have to put in a lot of effort. Here’s a thought experiment for you: Why do we always take the quickest route? To us, shortcuts in life are a badge of honour because we think we’re clever. As convenient as that may be when travelling by car, we all know there are no shortcuts in life. Everyday exercise and a healthy diet are required if you want a healthy body. In order to advance in your career, you must gain knowledge, establish contacts, and add value. Another question: Where are the shortcuts? “How about if we worked smarter?” You’ll still need to put in some effort. this for the first few years of my professional life. I scoured the internet for shortcuts and shortcuts to success. I only contemplated the short-term consequences of my

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Simple Tips To Manage Mood Swings

What would you call your current emotional state: happy or sad? To round off the conversation, I’d like to learn more about your day. Your day is either going bad or going well depending on how you’re feeling, so if you’re down, I’d say you’re having a horrible day. Isn’t it obvious? But here’s the thing: if it has such a significant impact on our lives, why don’t we do a better job of controlling our mood? After all, a negative attitude shouldn’t destroy our day. However, I’ve yet to meet a single person who has talked about controlling their moods. All of us assume that our moods are impacted by external influences. Things we cannot influence. A common theme in the writings of the Stoics is the need of keeping our emotions in check. As a result, they serve as a helpful reminder that we have no control over

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How To Get Emotional Freedom

When I couldn’t work out or go to the gym, I observed that I grew agitated. Workout became an integral part of my identity since I was so used to doing it. I was unable to let it go. Do you have any idea what it’s like to go through that? Good or bad, it doesn’t matter if you can’t keep up with any of your behaviours. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing when you get up in the morning; it’s all good. Who knows what will happen if we don’t keep our excellent behaviours in place? We start to feel agitated and agitated. Because you aren’t completely free, this is detrimental behaviour. When I recently brought up the working out example to a group of my friends, they all agreed. Release yourself from the situation. Regardless of whether you have good or poor habits, you are ruled by your

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Keep On Keeping With What You Do

Everything is simple to get started with. Anyone can become a writer, singer, artist, entrepreneur, etc. Only a small percentage of those begin to persist. The desire to start a business, for example, is widespread. However, it appears that the focus is on getting started. After five years, most businesses have gone out of business. A similar argument can be made for occupations in the arts and humanities. Aspiring writers usually get off to a fast start, writing for a few days, weeks, or even months before moving on to something new. A lot of experts and writers in the personal development space say that the most important thing is to get started. According to my own experience and that of my readers, the most important thing is to keep going. Here’s an email I recently received: “Howdy, Darius. Your blog is enjoyable to read. I read it when I

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How To Reprogram Your Mind For A Better Life

What do you consider to be a fulfilling existence? If you poll 100 individuals, you’re likely to receive 100 distinct responses. It’s true that there are certain universal components to a happy existence. Let’s say you want to be happy and healthy. All of us want it. This is why we spend billions each year on gym and training programmes as well as a variety of other products and services. Because of this, I’m not shocked. Taking care of one’s health is critical. As Mahatma Gandhi is credited for saying: “Real riches is health, not money and silver coins. “I believe that health is more than just a physical state. Because it’s so simple to become hurt or ill, your emotional well-being should take precedence over your physical health. All of us are at risk for this. Even if your brain stops working, you still have power over your life.

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How To Get Freedom From A Cluttered Mind & Brain

I’d want to get your take on something. How many hours do you suppose there are in a day? “That’s something I never considered.” This is all I’m getting at. Even though you’re thinking all the time, you don’t realise how much time you spend pondering your thoughts. Addiction? It’s what that sounds like. I should know, as I’m also a recovering thinker. “I’m overeating,” I may remark when I eat too much reducing my caloric intake is a priority for me.” The phrase “I’m becoming burnt out” comes to me when I’m working too much. Stop working, please. “I may tell myself, “I need to quit. Water is what I need right now.” But I can’t simply declare “I’m overthinking” when I’m thinking too much. I need a new strategy to clear my mind. However, we have a problem in that we don’t think of overthinking as an issue.

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