115 Core Ideas & Values In Life

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Like a tree’s root system, a person’s core values are essential to their well-being. The way we are and the people we are being shaped by them. We can’t know who we are or what we want from life if we don’t have values to guide us. Developing a personal value system is a critical first step in the personal development process. For your convenience, I’ve compiled a list of over 500 core values that I found online. Leaders and inspiring people use these values.

There are 115 core values that I narrowed down for this page. I went through the list I had made and deleted any duplicates that I could find. As an illustration, the words “adventure” and “adventurous” are interchangeable nouns. The lists I found were clogged with these kinds of duplicates. I also omitted anything that wasn’t necessary. I came across values like “fashion” and “profits,” for example. To be honest, I have no idea. As a result, I omitted any and all words that were unnecessary. The following 115 core values are the result of this research.

In my own life, I adhere to a set of eight principles (read about them here). I intend to reduce the number to five or six. But if you prefer, you can have even fewer. In my opinion, we can’t remember more than eight values.

The 115 core values.

Accomplishment              Accountability                Adventurous

Aggressiveness                  Altruism                          Ambition

Appreciation                      Assertiveness                 Attentiveness

Awareness                          Boldness                         Calmness

Caring                                  Cheerful                          Commitment

Community                        Confidence                     Consistency

Contribution                      Courage                          Craftsmanship

Creativity                             Credibility                      Curiosity

Decisiveness                        Determination              Directness

Discipline                             Discovery                       Diversity

Dominance                           Empathy                        Empowering

Enjoyment                            Excellence                      Fairness

Faithfulness                          Family                            Fearlessness

Flexibility                              Freedom                         Friendship

Frugality                               Generosity                      Gratitude

Greatness                              Growth                            Happiness

Health                                    Honesty                           Humility

Improvement                        Independence                Innovation

Integrity                                 Leadership                      Learning

Listening                                Longevity                         Love

Loyalty                                    Mindfulness                    Openness

Optimism                               Originality                        Passion

Patience                                  Perfection                         Persistence

Playfulness                             Pleasantness                    Pragmatic

Proactive                                 Productivity                     Progress

Prosperity                               Relaxation                        Reliability

Resilience                               Resourcefulness              Respectfulness

Responsibility                        Restraint                            Risk-Taking

Selfless                                     Self-Reliance                     Sensitivity

Sharing                                    Silence                                Silliness

Simplicity                                Smart                                  Solitude

Spirituality                              Spontaneous                     Stability

Strength                                   Sustainability                   Sympathy

Thoughtful                              Tolerance                        Toughness

Tranquillity                            Transparency                 Trustworthy

Truthfulness                          Understanding               Uniqueness

Usefulness                               Victorious                        Vitality

Warmth                                   Welcoming                      Wilfulness


Sadly, I was unable to include all of the information. People will always ask, “Why doesn’t so-and-so appear on this list?” I don’t care what you think. It’s important to note that this is by no means an exhaustive list. However, I do hope that it served as motivation for you to get started.

I think that’s what really matters. It will be possible to keep reducing your list as you discover more and more of your core values as you go through this process. It’s a procedure that takes time to complete. That is the most important aspect of his workout to me. Think about your values and you’ll learn more about who you are.

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