Use visualization to change your habits

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Did you love to imagine running wild as a child? Using your imagination as a child was not just for fun, but was also an important part of the brain’s development. Maybe it’s time to revisit daydreaming…. Except now that you’re an adult, we’ll call it visualization! Visualization is a process of forming a mental image in your mind. In other words, it’s using your imagination to create a picture in your mind and it can be a really powerful tool to help you take action or break actions in your life.

How can you change your habits with visualization?


Identifying the trigger that causes you to launch into the bad habit is the key. Habits are often unconscious, so you need to be aware of what happens just before the behaviour that you want to change. For example, maybe you notice that every time you’re bored you find yourself on the couch with a bag of chips.

Try to visualize yourself sitting on a couch and feeling bored. Now imagine yourself doing a different action. What could you do instead of that?

Choose a new good habit to implement when you feel bored, like calling a friend, picking up a good book or pulling out art supplies. We can actually visualize or imagine the new habit that you want to develop and practice in our life and this can be done daily at any time. Better you practice at a regular time and period for better results. Imagine how you’ll feel when you are devouring that new book instead of devouring junk food that you know you’ll regret. Soak up all of those positive feelings!


Visualizing and disabling or removing a bad habit is an easy thing if you really want to do. The intense desire to change a bad habit is the most important thing. You should have a feeling that you can really change a bad habit and replace with a good. Do you feel bored? Lonely? Angry? Frustrated? Your bad habit is essentially a way of trying to make you feel better. Now imagine if you could use your thoughts to feel better without taking any action at all.

For example, let’s say you’ve been feeling overwhelmed and overworked at the office. Every time your boss comes in with a stack of papers, you immediately feel annoyed and resentful. To cope up with that, you find yourself wasting time on social media instead of tackling the stack of paperwork.

Try to visualize yourself sitting in your study, with a pile of papers on your table. Notice how you feel. Are you stressed out? Anxious? Resentful? Angry? How would you like to feel instead?

Imagine feeling calm and peaceful flowing emotions through you. Now imagine a new feeling within you. Do you feel inspired? Creative? Confident? Determined? Give yourself a few minutes to allow this new positive emotion to sink in.


What would your life look like if you trigger and your bad habit didn’t exist at all? In this final example, we’re going to use visualization to reinforce the new habits you want to create in your life by repeating them over and over in your mind.

Try this: Take a few moments to think about what kind of habits or routines you would love to build in your life. Choose 1 habit to focus on during the visualization. Try to imagine a vivid picture of you taking action. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? What are you wearing? Is anyone with you? How do you feel?

Repeat the same visualization often, until the image becomes clearer and denser in your mind. Choose 1 method to try, or feel free to experiment with all three.

The key to using visualization effectively is repetition. Just like you need to practice a sport or play an instrument to get better, you need to practice the art of visualization as well. At first, you might struggle to use your imagination or stay focused, but over time your visualizations will become stronger, clearer and more vibrant, and that is when the magic happens! After all, as Napoleon Hill famously said, For more help or assistance, feel free to contact Living In Wellbeing any time! We are always happy to be there for you.

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1 year ago

Implementing your habits is like building a fortress of health. Your blog is the blueprint, and I’m constructing a stronghold of well-being.

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