How To Keep A New Year Resolution

Habits Doctor Says
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New Year’s resolution has a great ability to create a positive change in your life whether you like them or not. The start of every year is a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button and for doing something new and interesting or do things differently. But let me say articles or books about New Year Resolution that you are read are useless and they hardly work. Out of them, someone says 80% of New Year Resolution fail while some others say it as even 92%. Actually, it does not necessarily mean New Year Resolutions are bad. It means that most of us don’t know to keep or establish our New Year Resolution on that year or how to keep successfully keep our resolution. Everybody can set goals but only a small percentage of people will actually preserve and achieve their goal. Most of them will drop it on the way before getting close to become successful. Steve Jobs believed that people achieve their goals they didn’t quit, that what I said most of us quit before we even get close to becoming successful.

See once you have your resolution all you have to do is not BS yourself, hold yourself accountable, and just stick with it.

Why it is so hard to stay resolute on a resolution? Well, there is a simple answer, and not so simple answer to start with a simpler answer simply put motivation is finite. So when you say your goals way too high often times you run out of motivation too quickly. For example, if I told myself to wake up every morning at 4 AM and exercise for 45 minutes every day. I may wakeup bushy eyed every morning for 2 days but 2 weeks. Later we know that motivation will be replaced and I will do it later. What’s the problem here is, I set my sights too high. What you really need is to do tell yourself that you know what, I will wake up at 5’O clock and I will do exercise for 10 minutes every day. Then you do that for a week once that habit is formed you make that into 15 minutes and then 20 minutes and so the habit is formed. If you start small and work and form that habit and then you work your way it’s a lot easier. So I have given a simple answer.

What’s the not so simple answer? I will take some help from a study that was conducted by a professor from MIT Carnegie Mellon and the University of Chicago. The study was quite interesting it looks at the effects of extrinsic rewards and individual performance. What they found was, that people completed the task the best when they did them for their own sake. When they did them, they enjoyed them not because they wanted an extrinsic reward. Now at the time, this was groundbreaking because why do people exercise? Because they want to get fit and it’s that end goal which motivated them to do exercise. So we thought what this study tells us, that the most important things to maintaining a habit are getting buy-in from yourself it’s not enough to just enjoy the outcome you have to enjoy the process, and only then will the outcome follow. What motivation is when you are so emotionally invested in the process that the outcome ceases to become important. If motivation is a skill and like any skill, it can be taught and it can be learned. The key secret to motivation is changing a little thing about the task or assignment that you give.

There are some tips which will help you to keep your New Year Resolution. They are;-

Have a strong “Why”

Before taking a New Year Resolution we should have a reason for taking it as a resolution. And that to be a sensible one.

Choose only a few goals

Always try to select only a few goals. Because too many goals may lead you to get too tired. And also if there are too many goals you can’t focus on any of them. And also none will be completed perfectly. This may also make you disturbed by the main goal that you want to do.

Remind yourself your goals

Sometimes due to our over workload, we may miss doing our resolution. So it’s better to make a note in the mirror or put it as your phone’s wallpaper which will always remind you to get awaken about your resolution.

Be organized-have a plan and create a schedule

We should plan our daily things as it won’t intersect our resolution. We should find our own time to do our resolutions.

Set S.M.A.R.T goals

While selecting your resolution goals, be SMART and BRAVE to select them.

For more details and guidelines keep in touch with Living In Wellbeing.

We also provide online assistance to develop habits like starting new habits that actually sticks around.

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