How To Hold On To Your New Habits

Habits Doctor Says
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I was practicing a method for continuous sticking to habits. I found this review helpful and is effective. For you, I will be suggesting three tips on this subject, I assume these are very much easy for you to follow and practice.

So, let’s move on to the first point of view, here you go

If you are beginning to start a new habit, begin with the smaller version of it. It must be very easy for you to get it done as well as it must not create any stress for you while you are doing, it for the first time. The key factor here is, you have to increase the habit from day to day, but in a very short diameter of difference. And also, the habit must remain easier to deal with even after increased repetition. That means the total course of action should be broken down into small bits and pieces.  Now, let’s see how to use this in real life. Below are few examples.

Jump rope exercise.

I was starting to do this exercise past week, as this helps me a lot in burning my excess fat. I did this by the rules which I elaborated above.

The first day, I did 10 jumps, which took me a total of 15 seconds,

On the very next day, I did 12 jumps. It was not a big deal for me, as this was a very small improvement. I continued to do this exercise each day followed by the addition of 2 jumps each. I did 32 jumps today within a minute or so.

So, here are the most important things.


I started with a new habit that was very easy and comfortable for me to handle. And instead of focusing on time, I focused on the number of repetition, so that I will be able to get used to the time more quickly.


As the progression was maintained only at a constant rate, also at a very smaller amount, the body, as well as the mind was able to accept the minute change that happened each day by day.


As I reduced my sets of jumping into small portions, I was also able to reduce the mental strain which I needed to make happen the new habit.

One more thing to add is that you must focus on your actions always, and never think of the results overhead.

To elaborate, here are some more examples.

Running. Are you wishing to run for few kilometers to keep good health.?

On the first day, you’ll run for 2 minutes.

On the second day, you’ll run for 3 minutes.

Follow this method, until you get a fair time of running that makes you feel satisfied. If you feel that your running session is too long, cut that into smaller sessions.

Swimming. If you are interested in swimming, but couldn’t do it for so long, you can practice on your own.

On the first day, you’ll swim 10 meters, which most people do often.

On the other day, you’ll add 1 more meters and swim a total of 11meters. An additional 1 meters could be very easy for you as it is not too far.

Continue with this until each day becomes time prohibitive. Let’s say that at this point it will be 100 meters in a day. Here, you may break up your swimming distance into shorter meters.

Now, look at all these small habits. What we see here, is that the small changes deliver a great deal of progress in a fair amount of time.

Suppose you are doing, all those things which I mentioned above, for one month, and

If you started with 2 minutes running and added 1 minute per day, you would run 30 minutes, in 30 days.

If you started with 10 meters of swimming and added one meter per day, you can swim at least 300 meters in 30 days.

Small, consistent improvements add up more.

Try to work out these new rules on yourself, these will help you to stick to your habits simply but powerfully

So you have to start with something that isn’t very hard to do in beginning. It must be easy enough for you to say a yes always.

You have to make improvements on your habit each day by making a small increase in repetitions. Your habits must remain easy for you to do even after progression. Break down the habit into sessions if needed

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Motivation to break free from self-sabotage. I can’t recommend these articles enough to everyone

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