Effective Habits for a Successful life

Habits Doctor Says
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We’ve all been there: procrastinating on social media instead of working on an important project; Developing a strong habit of laser focus and concentration will be your best defence against distraction – allowing you to become super productive and make progress on your most important goals.

Follow the steps below to forming this valuable habit.

  • Know your enemy!

Try to understand which all distracting websites or interruptions do you regularly fall prey to? Also spend one or two days notice, when you are getting interrupted or distracted from tasks. Record what is distracting you and the time etc. Check the time you are spending on searching for each website. This will be a real eye-opener! You need to keep track of how long you be able to stay focused r before getting distracted. This will help you to improve something.

  • Assign a goal for your new behaviour

Once you understand your enemy try to set a new behaviour goal. Suppose you can now focus for 30 minutes before you get distracted, you can set a goal for 45 minutes also limit the number of times per day you are trying to tolerate distractions. Here we will try to seek out diversions as want to escape from the task at hand. If you schedule these deviations can ensure you are not constantly persuaded by them.

  • Get Inspired

What is the reason for you to build the habit of focus? Yes, it is to achieve your goals! If you have your goals at the top of your mind will help keep you on track. To achieve a specific goal, raising the habit of laser focus will help you to achieve all your goals. So when you’re tempted to drift from your tasks, remind yourself that why it is important for you to develop this habit. By knowing ‘why’ you are doing something and finding the meaning, purpose and enjoyment in your work can help you to be focused and motivated to adhere with it.

  • Organizing & Planning

To plan and having a strategy is very essential for success! Lots of strategies there you can use to exterminate or reduce distractions and aerate productivity. Some suggestions are:-

  • Block distracting websites or limit the time spending on them.
  • When working put your phone on silent mode
  • Shut your email client down when not in use.
  • Close the office door, put a ‘do not disturb sign’ or wear earphones to discourage potential distracters and to block out distracting noise.
  • Make a plan and ‘to do’ list for what you want to get done during the day/ week etc. ‘Prioritise in advance so you have a clear idea of what needs to be done.
  • Keep water and snacks by side to stay hydrated and to avoid low blood sugar levels and losing concentration.
  • Take (planned) breaks to avoid losing energy when in the middle of an important task.
  • For keeping you on the track of the tasks, set a timer.
  • Like any other new habit, don’t expect this also make it perfect initially. Build it up gradually and steadily.
  • We are more subject to distractions when we are tired. Arrange your most important tasks at the start of the day and fewer priorities in the evening
  • Preparing Mentally

Making progress on your focusing and productivity strategies will be difficult if you have limiting beliefs around this. Remove any thoughts like that staying focused is hard or impossible. Instead, take a strong decision that “I stay focused on my task at all times” and be committed to the process of learning the new skill – which you won’t do perfectly on the first attempt!

  • Taking measures

Sometimes we feel to be distracted! Our brain’s reward centres light up at new messages and alerts. You need to go ahead with actions to build your new habit of focus and concentration. Set a reminder for you to put in place distraction blocking strategies first thing in the morning before you get sucked in and derailed from productive work.

  • Record strains & reviews

Record your progress on a daily and weekly basis to see how your levels of concentration and focus are progressing against your habit goals for this area.

Above all, to build the habit of focus and concentration can take time but like any habit, the more you practise the better you will get.

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The depth of your advice is a bottomless well of wellness, with each post feeling like a refreshing sip of health knowledge!

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"When things are in order, they're easier to deal with."— Dr.Purushothaman Kollam