10 Definite Life Changing Habits

Habits Doctor Says
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I’ve developed a slew of “positive” habits over the years. My definition of a positive habit is one that enhances my quality of life. Learning to develop habits is a hot topic. How difficult is it? How long does it normally take to get a response? Is there a foolproof method for kicking bad habits in the teeth? Adopting new habits is difficult. My belief is that anyone can adopt any habit they desire. You must, however, have a compelling reason for making a change (I talk about that in-depth in this podcast episode). As a result, in 99 per cent of cases, the motivation to change stems from personal pain, sadness, and sorrow. You’ll reach a breaking point when you’re sick of your current behaviour. So, don’t stress about the way you’re going to alter. Think about how you want to change your behaviour and why. To answer a question from a friend, I’ve decided to post a list of my current habits, along with a brief explanation of why they’re beneficial.

1. Lift weights three times per week for a full-body workout.

There are numerous advantages to doing weight training. Exercise is good for your bone and muscle health, as well as keeping you slim, increasing your energy, and reducing the risk of injury. Weightlifting has been a part of my life since the age of 16. This is the only habit of mine that has lasted that long. When I first started working out with weights, I used split routines, as did many others. This means that each workout targets a different set of muscles. With most workout routines, you’re only working out one muscle group at a time. Muscles grow stronger when they are subjected to higher levels of stress. Every muscle group should be worked out three times per week. So, I’ve been working out my entire body. It’s easy to use, practical, and most importantly, effective.

2. Establish 3-4 daily priorities.

This is an excellent method for maximising your time and effort. We all know that focusing on the task at hand is the key to success. Is there anything wrong with you? There were no outcomes. How do you stay focused? By putting a cap on the number of things you can do. There is no way around it. Every day, week, and year be crystal clear about your goals. Focus on the important things in your life on a regular basis.

3. Do 3-4 small tasks each day that will help you achieve your weekly and yearly goals. 

It is recommended that you read for at least 60 minutes each day. It’s understandable that you don’t have time to read right now. You could also just not enjoy reading. You’ll have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Developing your mind requires regular reading. That, however, was common knowledge to you. What do you think? You’ll become a better thinker and writer as a result of your reading habits. “However, I still find reading tedious.” We do a lot of things in life that we don’t want to, but we have to. Learn to enjoy reading instead of telling yourself you don’t like to read by making it a habit. As if by magic, you’ll fall in love with reading.

4. A good night’s rest is essential.

The only thing I’ll give up is my sleep. Because I stayed up late the night before, I had to cancel a morning meeting. Earlier in the evening, I had finished an excellent book that had completely absorbed my attention. Following the book, I began taking notes. It was 2 a.m. the next thing I knew. My meeting started at 7:30 a.m., so I had to get up at that time. The meeting has been cancelled as a result of my absence. In order to make a meeting on time, I won’t go to bed until 6 a.m. because I know I’ll be exhausted the rest of the day.

Five hours of sleep is sufficient for some people. However, most of us need more. People in the latter category should prioritise getting enough sleep. And take it very seriously. If you’re unable to reschedule appointments, get some shut-eye early.

5. Take a 30-minute walk every day.

You’re not in control of your life if you can’t find the time to go for a daily walk. The health benefits of walking aren’t enough to get me out the door. It’s true that walking is good for your health, and it’s a great way to get some exercise. However, I take a daily walk to break the monotony of our daily routines. We can’t deny that life has a predictable pattern. There is nothing wrong with this, and it’s perfectly acceptable. It’s a different story if, on the other hand, you venture outside. Your senses are heightened. It’s up to you whether you want to go alone or with another person. You’re able to hold your own in a social setting. You can also simply take in the scenery.

6. Adhere to the intermittent fasting eating schedule.

After dinner, I go straight to bed. In addition, I don’t eat my first meal of the day. In other words, I “fast” for 15 to 16 hours each day. Intermittent fasting has some health advantages. Then again, we have to be careful about making claims. It appeals to me because it improves both my physical and psychological well-being. Then there’s the fact that I can eat as much as I want throughout the day and not gain any weight. I don’t eat any junk food. I try to eat as many whole foods as possible because they are higher in nutritional value to me. Also, my first meal contains a lot of protein and unsaturated fat. Finally, don’t forget to eat enough calories to keep your body running (2000 for women, 2500 for men, on average).

7. The most important thing to remember is to stay in the moment.

Because we’re so occupied with achieving our goals, we often fail to appreciate the present. This is a common pitfall for me. Every day, I need to be reminded to appreciate the present moment. We’re always on the lookout for something to happen. “Then, I’ll be content. “You won’t be able to if you’re always looking ahead. Find a way to bring yourself back to the present moment by finding a trigger. I recently purchased a new watch as an example. Meanwhile, I was immersing myself in the study of religion and spirituality. Since then, whenever I check my watch, I ask myself, “Which time is it?” NOW.”

8. Be kind and loving to others.

All of us treat our love as if it were a finite commodity. That is incorrect. When it comes to true love, there is no limit. Giving it away is completely up to you. That’s not something you can do because of your ego. You’re always looking for a reward. Try it out and see if it works for you. Make the most of your infinite supply. Every day, spread a little kindness and love around you. There is no need to keep a score. You’ve got plenty of love to go around.

9. Set aside 30 minutes each day to keep a journal or write.

Every day, I need to organise my thoughts. I accomplish this by writing. That helps me focus on the things that are important to me. That’s why I started keeping a diary. It’s only for my own benefit that I sit down and write in my journal when I’m not working on an article. I don’t keep a journal to express myself to others. To become a better thinker and person, journaling is a great tool.

10. Save a third of your monthly income. 

If you can’t save 30%, try to save 10%. Just how much do you need to save? It’s all about frequency.

You can save money by doing less of the things you do on a regular basis. A latte isn’t necessary every day. Also, there’s no need to spend $10 on “organic” cashew nuts. Spend less money on the details. In the long run, they’ll be worth a lot of money. especially if the additional funds are placed to good use.

In fact, that’s the key to these ten habits, as well. They’re all teeny-tiny. And the progress you make each day seems inconsequential. Over time, you will begin to notice the positive impact it has had on your life. Until things improve, you must adhere to these routines. Then you’ll keep going because you want to, not because you have to.

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1 year ago

Motivation to break free from self-sabotage. I can’t recommend these articles enough to everyone

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"When things are in order, they're easier to deal with."— Dr.Purushothaman Kollam