You Need Not Apologise When You Are With Yourself

Habits Doctor Says
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I’d like to ask you a straightforward question: What is your name? Look, this isn’t even an interview for a job.
A politically correct response isn’t what I’m after. As a professional, I take my job very seriously. “I enjoy spending time with my loved ones.” This holds true for everyone who is adamant about finding work. No, I’m referring to the person you really are. Let’s face it, we all have two personalities and lead two separate lives, as you and I both know. A person’s ideal life and their actual life are two different things.

That’s how I used to be. “It’s impossible for me to live the life I really want,” I’ve always believed. And that’s why I was unable to go through with. Living my dream life. Making a living out of what I love to do. Taking full responsibility for my life and making it my own. You know what my issue was, right? I was terrified of being true to who I was. It’s done. However, the majority of us are too ashamed to admit it. However, I am constantly confronted by individuals who are frightened to be authentic. In and out of the workplace.

A reader recently asked me: “What do you think? Hey Darius, do you think I should stop being silly in order for people to take me more seriously? “And I’m bombarded with emails like this every day. And I’m not happy about it. We live in a world where people ask these kinds of questions all the time, not because I get them.
You should never make excuses for your personality. Many of the questions I receive can be summed up as follows: I feel like I can’t be myself. Because I was the same way, I understand. We are afraid that if we don’t “fit in,” no one will like us, respect us, or value us. That’s why we’re so afraid of it. It’s a complete waste of time and resources. It’s pointless, as are all anxieties. In other words, if you live your life as if no one is watching, you won’t be alone when the clock strikes midnight. Not only is it a waste of time and energy, but it’s also a waste of life.

You should, in my opinion, live your life according to your own desires. You should never be afraid to say or do what you want. It makes no difference to me where you’re from. There is no such thing as “our country” doing that. Take action! Because there is no other choice. Do you want to become a mindless automaton controlled by others or the rest of society? That is an insult to anyone. Be true to yourself and you’ll be happy. We begin to feel better about ourselves when we take control of our lives. We have more fun in life when we feel better. This makes us feel better, too. “That should be obvious!” Sure. It’s not the only thing. However, you must take action. Is there anything else you can do? In recent years, I’ve gradually been living my life according to my own desires and needs. I can now say that everything I do and say is done and said because I truly desire it. I only work with people I enjoy. With whom do I spend my time? I also do what I want. In addition, I’m a good neighbour who lends a helping hand. It’s important to me to lead by example. The way I am is the way I am. It’s time to be who you really are. Don’t do anything that isn’t what you were meant to do. “However, it isn’t that simple. “Everything can be said that way. The question is whether or not you’ll be slowed down by it.

As you and I already know, life isn’t always easy! As a matter of fact, why do you say it all the time anyway? Acknowledge it, then move on. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do, either. But don’t worry, I’m not saying you should avoid challenging yourself. Because of the difficulty of everything in life. There’s a lot of good stuff going on. Do not compare yourself to Gary Vaynerchuk as an entrepreneur. You don’t have to be like Mark Zuckerberg as a programmer to be successful. You don’t have to be Vincent Van Gogh to be an artist. When you are true to who you are, you are more likely to get what you want. Trying to be someone you’re not is a funny thing to do because it doesn’t work. Do you see what I mean?

People will never respect you if you try to be someone else or fake it until you make it. To be honest, too. Recognition and respect are essential for everyone. We’d all like to feel appreciated, don’t we? According to Lao Tzu, the father of Chinese philosophy, respect can only be earned by being true to oneself. You’ll be respected if you don’t compare yourself to others or compete with others. Being true to who you are is the most liberating thing you can do in life, as I’ve learned first-hand used to worry constantly about how I was going to fit in. The things I did, the clothes I wore, the words I used — they were all a result of my fear of being authentic. Because of that, you must overcome it. You can reveal a little bit more of your true self every day. Do not perform a backflip and scream, “I AM MYSELF!” right now. That’s a little over the top, I think. Increase the vigour of the event. Continually. Embrace who you are and share it with others. You have to put your faith in yourself. And that you’re capable of doing so. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay Self-Reliance (which I heartily recommend to all adults), who said it best when he said: “Every heart is vibrating to that iron string, so trust your own instincts. “Who cares if other people don’t like you? For them, it is their own fault. Take control of your life.It is crucial that you do things YOUR way.

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