Why Is It Difficult To Create Permanent Habits?

Habits Doctor Says
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There are some things that we regularly do without forgetting or some things we do in a particular way can be termed as a habit. Habits are part of our regular lives. But when it comes to developing a habit, it is one of the toughest tasks. Creating permanent habits can be very difficult and sometimes it may take a long period to develop. In this article, you will learn about a few of the reasons why it is hard to create permanent habits.

Reasons Why Creating Habits is Difficult

  • When you do not have any aim, it is difficult to create habits. We do things in life according to our requirements and needs. But when there is no aim, there will be no requirements or needs. Hence, to create a habit, there must be some aim.
  • Lack of self-motivation acts as a big barrier to developing new habits.
  • In our daily life, we face a lot of distractions. The distractions make us go away from the right path and hamper our efforts of creating new habits.
  • One of the reasons why it is hard to create permanent good habits is because of bad company. The company in which we live plays an important role in influencing our thinking. When you are surrounded by a good company it is easier to develop and learn new good habits.
  • Sometimes memories or current life crises determine what we do in our lives. When the past or present is not filled with pleasant memories it leads to a bad style of living. Therefore, in such a situation it becomes difficult to create good permanent habits.
  • Often procrastination i.e. tendency to delay things for the next time acts as a barrier in developing new habits. For developing permanent habits the first step in the right direction is important.
  • Apart from procrastination, lack of perseverance is another reason for not being able to create permanent habits. The lack of ability to stick to good habits before they consolidate acts as a barrier in creating permanent habits.
  • Some habits are difficult to create because some of them require higher intrinsic effort which will include not only higher intrinsic cost but also higher decision costs.

The above mentioned are some of the reasons why creating new habits is difficult. Some of the ways through which you can develop new habits are by reading autobiographies of iconic personalities, meditation, positive attitude, introspection, etc. If at any point in life, you feel low or depressed about not being able to develop permanent good habits, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors and involve yourself in motivational and inspirational talk with us.

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1 year ago

These habits are stepping stones, creating a path to a more vibrant and energetic life. Thank you for lighting the way!

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