Un-Procrastination For A Better Life

Habits Doctor Says
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Procrastination is what most of us love to do unknowingly most of the time when you feel that you need to put in all your efforts today. We do tend to shift our duties to the next day, the next day and then it never even takes place at all. It can be defined in other words as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have a negative consequence.

Challenge yourself for becoming un-procrastinated.

Challenge yourself that you will never become lazy when you need to do something that can change your life for the better. When you put on the un-procrastination challenge before you for every day, even if it is for a very short time, you can bring out wonders. Yes, you can get a lot of positive things from what you have been keeping aside for a long time.
Phycology has identified various drivers of procrastination, from low self-confidence to anxiety, lack of structure and simplicity, an inability to motivate oneself to complete unpleasant tasks. Research has also shown that procrastination is closely linked to rumination, or becoming fixated on negative thoughts.
It is identified that procrastination, avoidance and ruination are all had common symptoms of depression. People with depression may struggle to plan ahead, lose confidence in their ability to follow through and adopt “what’s the point” thinking.

Whenever we feel like doing something that can bring us maybe some better prospects in life, we feel that we are not ready for the moment. So we tend to keep it aside thinking that we need to study more on the topic and then work later on. This, later on, keeps on going on and we never really achieve the goal that has been dreamt by us.

To keep ourselves from procrastinating, we need to put up a schedule and try to follow it at least a bit.

Try waking up early, and plan your day. Make morning times your time to better your skills and polish the skills which you always wanted to excel in. Prioritize things that you needed to develop and work on.
For example, if you wanted to write and improve your writing skills, make it a point to wake up early, read some good books that can help you gain better writing skills and vocabulary. If you are planning to improve your drawing skills, you can focus on that. Choose time wisely. Some may feel good during morning hours while others feel better working on skills during evening hours. Do as per your taste.
But make sure that you polish your skills as per your plan and never procrastinate.

Procrastination can lead to an unpolished skill that will never come up perfectly at any point in time.

If you do not wish to procrastinate, you need to follow the simple steps:

  • Try to work on your skills right from the start of the day.
  • Wake up early and work till you are free
  • Try to learn more about what you want to polish
  • Never give up
  • Make mistakes so that you will be aware that all mistakes are for improving your skills at the final stage
  • Never procrastinate, but work hard even if it is for ten minutes
  • Be proud of yourself because you are trying to learn something or polish something that you have always wanted to.
  • Try to learn from experienced people especially the masters
  • Pick up new information from experts and always keep your mind open to new knowledge. This helps a lot.

Procrastination never helps. But working on what you have always wanted to learn, always gives you better and unlimited new opportunities in life.

For more details and guidelines keep in touch with Living In Wellbeing. We also provide online assistance to develop habits like starting new habits that actually sticks around.

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6 months ago

Implementing your habits is like building a fortress of health. Your blog is the blueprint, and I’m constructing a stronghold of well-being

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