Ten Personal Habits That We Should Have

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To be successful in life, we have to work hard and adopt a lot of positive routines and habits. These positive and good habits make us who we are as individuals. They define how we behave and create our attitude. By adopting some personal habits, we can create an optimistic approach to life. It also helps us to stay focused and concentrated on our priorities, keeps us full of energy, and helps us to stay satisfied with ourselves. This is very important for our psychological health, which in turn affects our approach to different things and situations.

This is a list of some personal habits which everyone can adopt. As you go through this list, you will realize that these are quite common, and easy too. But that’s the best thing, they are extremely simple and yet highly productive. It is noteworthy here that the key to forming an ideal lifestyle through these habits is consistency. These have to be consciously incorporated into your schedule until they sink in as a habit.

  1. Make a morning routine: The way we begin our day has a huge effect on how our entire day turns out to be. Starting your day on a positive and cheerful note keeps your mood positive for the rest of the day, and this helps us in dealing with whatever chaotic situations we have to face. You can consider adding simple things like a morning walk, run, meditation, light exercise or breathing exercises. It can be a little hard at first, but it sinks right into your routine in a few weeks.
  2. Eating healthier: This can be difficult to incorporate, but the impact it has is completely worth the effort. You can take small steps at first so that it doesn’t feel like a complete disturbance of your routine. As time passes, increase the proportion of healthier alternatives in your diet.
  3. Exercise and work out: You don’t necessarily have to go to a gym or make a strict workout schedule. You can pick any physical activity of your choice, like an outdoor sport, swimming, hiking, cardio, etc. The motive is to keep your muscles healthy and your body physically active.
  4. Give time to yourself: Now and then, we get a little overwhelmed, and this is completely normal. Rather than ignoring these momentary lapses, we should deal with these. We should take some time out for ourselves once in a while, and do activities that give us peace of mind, and help keep us calm and composed. 
  5. Giving back: Doing something for the community and the environment is highly satisfying and rewarding. Volunteering in social work, participating in charity and donation campaigns or helping out in environment protection gives immense happiness.
  6. Sleep well: Nights are the time when our body copes up with the physical and mental stress of the entire day. Having a good and undisturbed seven to eight-hour sleep is very important for our physical and mental health.
  7. Reading: It may sound really easy to be effective. But developing a habit of reading is wonderful in many ways. Even if you are not the kind of person who loves to read, picking up a book now and then will soothe your mind. Reading helps us to forget about the chaos we have and helps us to clear our heads.
  8. Get creative: Indulging in our creativity can provide us with unspeakable satisfaction and relaxation. If you have a hobby that gives you happiness, take some time out regularly to indulge in it.


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7 months ago

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"When things are in order, they're easier to deal with."— Dr.Purushothaman Kollam