How To Handle Uncertainties In Life

Habits Doctor Says
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We spend a lot of time thinking over making a decision on which path to take to reach life’s goal. This can become a stumbling block in our path as we take too much time and energy simply to think and make a decision. When things go as we planned we think that all are in our control.

But when life enters a curveball, it can leave us feeling anxious and stressed.

When we are in our comfort zone, we are always happy and contented. But we are not able to reach out to our next level of success in life. To enter into unknown territory is sometimes confusing and difficult too, as we are not aware of the hardships that we are about to face. This makes us think twice, thrice and sometimes forever. Normally this kind of situation comes when we decide to start a new venture or a new job, when we try to change our career or when we are about to handle something really different.

As a response to our uncertainty, we tend to do certain things such as;

  • Do good research. This often goes to the extent of thinking about even the minute things that we gain in return and also about the negatives. This can be overwhelming and exhausting.
  • We try to read more on this. Even though this is not a very bad idea, all these will not give us complete satisfaction.
  • We reach out to others who are experienced in the field and expect them to guide and lead us, hoping that we will get cleared of our uncertainty. But this too will not help.
  • Delaying is the next step that we make. Putting it off, as we are not able to make the right decision makes it harder and harder. We avoid it to the point that we get no good results from it at all.
  • Finally, we give up. When we do not know what to do, the next step that we take is to give up. When we do not get much from all our research, helps from outside and from ourselves, we fear to take the risk and decide to give up.

These are some of the common and most normal reactions that most of us do during such a situation. These can be of no help. This can stand up in between the way of doing work and the normal life that we live in. So how are we supposed to deal with this situation? It is not so easy, but there are ways to come out in such a situation.

Shifting our mindset

Shifting our mindset can be looked at as a good chance when we are to make a particular life-changing decision. This is a normal part when we are about to do something meaningful in life. Even though we feel uncertain about it, this is a very good sign that will help you in facing our challenges in life and make it more meaningful.

We have to embrace this uncertainty to the extent that we reach out to it and love it. We will start loving and cherishing our uncertainties when we shift our thought process and move on to working on ways to embrace them.

The second thing we need to do is to look upon this uncertain path as a good opportunity that has reached our life. It should not be something that we need to escape, but it should become something close to us so that we are able to learn, grow and be a part of the creation process.

Whenever we feel uncertain, it is seen as a chance to open ourselves up and to start practising on something that we are not so sure about. As we turn towards it, we learn new ways of learning and understanding things.

Keep in touch with Living In Wellbeing for finding your passions and goals and we are here to ready to help you to find measures to achieve your goals and lead a happy and successful life.

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1 year ago

your blog is like a potion for well-being, and each post is a magical ingredient. Thank you for brewing the elixir of health

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