How The Habit Of Dreaming Big Makes You Big

Habits Doctor Says
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Humans alone are capable of dreaming, be it in sleep or while awake. Dreams during sleep could be pleasant or nightmarish where we may remember it when awake. It is because the brain does not sleep while the body does. But dreaming during wakeful hours is imagination. It is usually only about good things for us. Humans are the only creatures capable of imagination which is wakeful dreaming.

Dreamers become achievers big dreamers become big achievers. Though this is true, the realization of wakeful dreams requires concerted effort and adequate resources. Resources need to be of the kind appropriate to the dream.

A peek into history gives the best example of ‘big-dreaming’, of the Prince of Macedonia, Alexander, who dreamt of being Emperor of the world. His tutelage under Aristotle provided him with the mental acumen with knowledge of medicine, philosophy and most of all a scientific approach to all aspects of life; to Dream Big. With the best and tough army at his disposal, he marched across the entire continent of Europe and through the Khyber Pass into India. His most important resource was his strong will to win, his grit.

Dreaming big is imagining a reality one yearns. The most important factor that contributes to achieving “big dreams” is a strong will to succeed, creativity and intelligent use of resources available. Dreams stay dreams without the “will to win” and “constancy of effort”. Dreams, big or small, need to be realistic and based on facts. Dreaming of flying to the moon in a day is not realistic unless the science of teleportation becomes a reality.

History is replete with stories of dreamers that dreamt of power with disastrous results to self and others. Unlike Alexander, Hitler’s big dream of world conquest came down crashing because of the “I”. The “I” factor is detrimental because it causes misery to others. The success of big dreams without the will to share is disastrous.

The ‘Wright Flyer I, II and III’ invented by the Wright brothers a third and fourth grades, who turned pioneers in fixed-wing aircraft controls, is the best example of “Dreaming big” and sharing. From 1903 to the modern-day, fast travel across the world is a reality because of their big dream and the will to share it with the world.

Requisites for the realization of big dreams are, focus on the anticipated result, looking for possibilities and opportunities. Unless, there are a possibility and an opportunity, big dreams flop and remain in the firmament of imagination.

Unless it is a race to win or a competition, time does not play any part in the realization of dreams big or small. With limited time the effort for the realization of dreams will be relatively high. The effort will be challenging calling for the strain on body and mind. Facing challenges needs to be part of the mindset to win and realize dreams. Very often we forget that there are limitations to realizing big dreams. Whatever be the limitation encountered, if capable and have the acumen to thwart it, the path to the realization of the dream is better laid.

Habits, good or bad contribution to the realization of the big dream. Sleeping late eats into the time available for thought and action. Bad eating habits contribute to health issues. So bad habits out and good habits in.

Ego is basic to humans and it contributes to wellbeing and harm. A down to earth attitude, sense of fair play and controlled ego will go long way to the realization of dreams, big or small if it contributes to the wellbeing of mankind. So dream big, work hard, share and stay focused if you are a “big dreamer”.

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Your habits are like the pearls of an oyster, treasures hidden within the sea of well-being. Your blog is the diver bringing these gems to the surface.

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