Trying To Be A SuperHero Is Not A Good Thing

Habits Doctor Says
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Say hello to Superman! What’s going on with you? Is it possible to work on multiple projects at once? Consider a vacation? A family to look after? Are you having trouble keeping up with your monthly obligations? Attending the gym on a daily basis? Having a night out with friends? And you’re always trying to solve problems that aren’t even your own?? I’m sure you’re handling it all. The problem is that you’re not a superhero. As a result, stop behaving as if you’re one. If you want to succeed, you can’t do everything on your own. For a time, I believed I was Superman because I was able to accomplish so much in my company. In addition, I thought I could write blog posts, and create online courses, podcasts, and YouTube videos. However, I was not Superman. Previously, I was known as an Idiot man.

You may believe that overwork and responsibilities lead to burnout. However, this isn’t always the case. The problem wasn’t that, but it wasn’t the only one. Since my early twenties, I’ve put in long hours. When I was in college, I always had a job. I also started a business while I was writing my master’s thesis. I gradually increased my workload over time. Working is akin to running in that respect. You can’t run a marathon when you first start. Consistent exercise raises your threshold for exertion. That is also how hard work goes. Your ability to handle stress, productivity, and work longer hours will improve over time. However, it necessitates consistent effort on your part. People who dislike their jobs and always seek pleasure can’t keep up with the demands of their jobs. I have no doubt that you are capable of handling a significant amount of work. However, none of that matters. Rather than asking, “Can I handle hard work?” you should ask yourself, “Can I succeed?”

“Do I really want to do everything?” is a question you must answer. It’s easy to see why. In order to be a superhero, you have to take on too many responsibilities, which alienates you from your loved ones. It’s also not a good idea to end up as a lone superhero who can do everything. What’s the point?

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama summed it up best: “Isolation is the result of a self-centred attitude, you see.” Loneliness, fear, and anger follow. “Suffering is the result of an extreme self-centeredness.”

Self-centred behaviour masquerades as heroic behaviour under the guise of heroism. In the end, what happens to those who are left to themselves? They have a shorter lifespan as a result.

It’s time to put your cape away for the night. For more information, read on.

1. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. 

It all begins with a sense of obligation: “I ought to do this.” There’s no one else who can do it.” If that’s how you’re thinking, you’re mistaken. Laugh it off and tell yourself, “What’s the harm? “I think that’s more of a mentality than a bad habit. As a general rule, you don’t want to just throw in the towel and say, “I don’t even give a fuck.”  No, you’ll still be held accountable. Own your time. But keep in mind that not all of your responsibilities are your own. What’s the point of doing it all yourself? Next, we’ll look at a different approach:

2. Put your faith in others.

Superheroes always claim that they are doing what they are doing to help others. It appears to them as if they’re saying, “I am afraid of trusting anyone else. “If you’re a manager or a supervisor, this is especially important (which is everyone at some point). Trust is a prerequisite if you want to collaborate with others. It’s not enough to be smart or successful; you have to be a good role model for others to follow. That’s why successful salespeople often turn out to be terrible bosses. They have no faith in others to do a good job. There appears to be a lack of genuine trust. You’re not a leader if you do this. It’s difficult to put your faith in other people. It’s a two-way street. With trust comes confidence; with distrust comes distrust. There’s no escaping the fact that you must begin. The more trust you build, the more likely it is that people will work together. That alleviates the burden on everyone. There’s no need to be a hero for this.

3. How do we know what we’re doing here?

  A family, business, relationship, or sports team, all need another thing to function well: Purpose. What are we trying to do? Where are we going? What are our values? It’s so simple that we completely disregard it. We just assume that everyone’s on the same page. That’s why you get conflicts that go like this: “I thought you knew what we’re trying to accomplish!” Nope. I didn’t. How do you expect people to know if you don’t communicate your purpose? Do you expect people to smell it? Or, maybe you don’t even know what you are doing? That’s okay. No one’s perfect. If you don’t know what your purpose is, work on it now. While you’re at it, get rid of that cape and tights too. The world doesn’t rest on your shoulders Go lie on a hammock or something. We’ll be fine without your superhero contributions. Kind of liberating, isn’t it?

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