Life is hectic. Moving toward your goals can seem unattainable. It’s even more difficult if you have a full-time job and children.
What are your options for moving forward?
Without a doubt, if you don’t set aside time every day to learn and better, your time will be lost in the void of our more congested existence. You’ll be old and withered before you know it, wondering where all the time went.
“You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find yourself with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays,” Professor Harold Hill warned. This article is meant to make you reconsider your entire life philosophy. The goal is to help you simplify things and get back to basics. Unfortunately, most people’s lives are overflowing with the unimportant and insignificant. They don’t have time to plan anything significant. They’re only trying to stay alive. Are you only surviving?
The majority of us, like Bilbo, are like butter scraped over too much bread. Unfortunately, the bread is not even ours, but rather that of someone else. Few people have taken the initiative to take control of their lives. Just a decade ago, it was social and cultural to live our life on other people’s terms. And because it’s the only worldview we’ve been taught, many millennials are repeating the process. However, there is a growing awareness that you can live every minute of your life on your own terms with a lot of effort and thinking.
You are the architect of your own fate. You are accountable. You have the last say. You must make a decision, or else someone else will. Indecision is a poor choice. Your life will quickly alter if you follow this simple morning habit. It may appear to be a lengthy list. But, in a nutshell, it’s as follows:
- Wake up
- Put yourself in the zone
- Make a move
- Fill your body with the correct foods
- Prepare yourself
- Get motivated
- Obtain some perspective
- Do something to help you progress
Let’s get started:
- Get a good night’s sleep of at least 7 hours.
Let’s face it: sleep is just as essential as eating and drinking. Despite this, millions of people do not get enough sleep and suffer from mental illnesses as a result.
According to surveys done by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 distinct sleep disorders. Furthermore, 60 per cent of adults and 69 per cent of children have one or more sleep issues at least a few nights per week. Furthermore, at least a few days per month, more than 40% of adults have daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities, with 20% reporting problem sleepiness a few days a week or more.
On the other hand, having enough sleep has been associated to:
- Improved memory
- Longer life span
- Inflammation is reduced
- Increased inventiveness
- Increased focus and attention
- Exercise reduced fat and boosted muscular mass
- Reduced anxiety
- Reduced reliance on stimulants such as caffeine
- Reduced chance of getting into an accident
- Depression risk is reduced
There’s a lot more… Look it up.
If you don’t prioritise sleep, the remainder of this blog post is useless. What difference does it make if you get up at 5 a.m. if you went to bed three hours earlier? You’re not going to last long. You can compensate with stimulants, but this isn’t a long-term solution. Your health will deteriorate in the long run. Long-term sustainability must be the goal.
- Prayer and Meditation Can Help You Find Clarity and Abundance
Prayer and meditation are essential for orienting yourself toward the positive after waking up from a healthy and comfortable sleep cycle. What you concentrate on grows. Prayer and meditation help you feel grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a mindset of plenty. The world is your oyster when you think freely. You have endless possibilities and opportunities. People attract each other. You will attract more positive and nice things if you are appreciative for what you have. Gratitude spreads quickly. Gratitude could be the most significant factor in achieving success. It is referred to as the “mother of all virtues.” If you begin each day in a state of thankfulness and clarity, you will attract the finest that the world has to offer and avoid becoming sidetracked.
- Strenuous Physical Exercise
Despite abundant evidence of the importance of exercise, according to the Centre for Disease Control’s National Health Interview Survey, just one-third of American men and women aged 25 to 64 engage in regular physical activity.
Get into the habit of regular exercise if you want to be among the world’s most healthy, happy, and productive people. Many folks go to the gym right away to get their bodies moving. I’ve recently discovered that doing yard work in the early morning generates an abundance of creativity and clarity. Get your body moving, regardless of your choice. Exercise has been shown to lower the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress. It’s also linked to greater professional success. Every other element of your life will suffer if you don’t care about your body. Humans are multifaceted creatures.
- Get 30 grams of protein in your diet
Breakfast should contain at least 30 grams of protein, according to Donald Layman, emeritus professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois. Similarly, Tim Ferriss suggests 30 grams of protein 30 minutes after waking up in his book The 4-Hour Body. Tim claims that his father tried it and lost 19 pounds in a month. Because protein-rich foods take longer to exit the stomach, they keep you fuller for longer. Protein also maintains blood sugar levels stable, preventing hunger spikes. Your white carbohydrate cravings are reduced when you eat protein first. These are the carbs that cause you to gain weight. Bagels, toast, and doughnuts come to mind.
Tim offers four suggestions for getting enough protein first thing in the morning:
- Protein should account for at least 40% of your breakfast calories.
- Use two or three entire eggs for this (each egg has about 6g of protein)
- Use turkey bacon, organic pork bacon or sausage, or cottage cheese instead of eggs if you don’t like eggs.
- You could also make a water-based protein shake.
There are various plant-based proteins available for those who eschew dairy, meat, and eggs. Protein is abundant in legumes, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- Shower in the cold
Every morning, Tony Robbins jumps into a 57-degree Fahrenheit swimming pool.
Why would he do something like that? Immersion in cold water improves both physical and mental health. It delivers long-term changes to your body’s immunological, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems that improve the quality of your life when practised frequently. It can also help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism. According to a 2007 study, taking cold showers on a regular basis can help relieve depression symptoms more successfully than prescription drugs. This is because cold water releases a flood of mood-enhancing neurochemicals that make you feel good. Of course, stepping into a cold shower causes some anxiety. If you’ve attempted this previously, you’ve undoubtedly found yourself standing outside the shower, dreading the prospect of entering. Maybe you even talked yourself out of it by saying, “Maybe tomorrow.” Before entering, I turned the hot water lever. Maybe you jumped in but turned on the hot water quickly? Thinking of it like a swimming pool has helped me. Getting into a frigid pool slowly is a horrible death. All you have to do now is jump in. You’ll be alright after 20 seconds. Taking a cold shower works in the same way. When you walk in, your heart starts racing. You feel fine after around 20 seconds.
It strengthens my resolve and promotes my creativity and inspiration. I practise slowing my breathing and calming myself while standing with the cold water on my back. I feel extremely pleased and inspired once I’ve relaxed. Many thoughts start to flow, and I become really determined to fulfil my objectives. Plus, doing something that makes you uncomfortable in the morning is good for you! It makes you feel alive and encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone!
- Listen to/Read Inspiring Material
Ordinary folks want to be entertained. Extraordinary people want knowledge and education. The world’s most successful people are said to read at least one book per week. They are always learning. By listening to an audiobook during my commute to school and while wandering about campus, I can easily go through one every week. Even 15–30 minutes of reading uplifting and instructional knowledge every morning will transform you. It puts you in the right frame of mind to perform at your best. You will have read hundreds of books over a lengthy period of time. You’ll be well-versed in a variety of subjects. You’ll change the way you think and see the world. More linkages between different themes will be possible.
- Examine Your Life Plan
Your short- and long-term objectives should be written down. Reading your life vision for a few minutes puts your day into perspective. You will think about your long-term goals every day if you read them every day. They will manifest if you think about goals every day and spend your days working toward them. Getting things done is a science. There’s no uncertainty or confusion here. You can achieve all of your goals, no matter how big, if you follow a basic formula. Writing them down and revisiting them every day is an important part of that.
- Take At Least One Step Towards Long-Term Objectives
Willpower is similar to a muscle that depletes when used. Similarly, over time, our capacity to make high-quality decisions deteriorates. The lesser the quality of your decisions, the weaker your willpower becomes. As a result, you must complete the difficult tasks first thing in the morning. The crucial information. It will just not get done if you do not. You’ll be fatigued by the end of the day. You’re going to get fried. There will be a million reasons to begin immediately. And you’re going to begin tomorrow, which is never. As a result, your mantra will be: The worst comes first. Complete the task you’ve been putting off. Then repeat the process the next day. If you just take one step toward your big goals every day, you’ll soon realise they weren’t so far away.
Whatever else you have planned for the remainder of the day, you’ll have completed the most critical tasks first. You’ll have set yourself up for success. You’ll have made progress toward your goals. You’ll do better in life since you’ll have accomplished all of these goals. You’ll do better at work. Your interpersonal relationships will improve. You’ll be more content. You’ll have more self-assurance. You’ll be braver and bolder. You’ll have more vision and clarity. Your life is about to alter dramatically. You can’t experience mornings like this on a regular basis without waking up to everything that is wrong with your life. Those things that you dislike will perish. They’ll vanish and never be seen again. You’ll shortly discover that you’re performing work that you enjoy. Your bonds will be passionate, meaningful, deep, and enjoyable. You will be free and prosperous. The universe and the rest of the world will respond to you in magnificent ways.
A beacon of positivity and self-improvement. These articles have made me more intentional in life