How Negative Habits Influences Others

Habits Doctor Says
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“Some often, when I talk or deal with others, I walk into an epicurean world where I become demanding and dictate terms of life for the others. I have often wondered why this happens; though it lasts a few very moments, for sure, it does happen. Is it an affliction? Am I neurotic?”

Not so very meaningful words on the first read, but thought-provoking on a second. This is an average human being that has not lost a sense of reasoning when confronted with someone otherwise. Somewhere across memory’s lane, those lines sparked a thought.

Neuroticism or negativity in outlook to life and what it is all about is a human trait that manifests as a tendency to be moody, hypertensive, depressive or irritable, all each of which truly downbeats the self as it is contagious and could affect associations.

Negativity in thought, in relationships and actions stems from neglect, fear of the environment of life and, or its associations. It seeps into the people around preventing them to go about their normal life for they are forced to spend time soothing the negatively oriented, often due to compulsions of relationship. When near and dear become the cause, negativity becomes an all-pervading factor affecting the normal life of all. Such associations turn out to be the worst in life.

When in the receiving end of neuroticism, it is calamity in all its form. Life becomes miserable with such associations where quality and charm of life ebbs with time. Long and persistent association with neurotics or negatively oriented people affects others, adversely pushing all involved to potentially detrimental ends.

A neurotic spouse puts the partner to endless misery through constant depressive moods and lethargy, very often leading both into withdrawal to their individual selves. Constant nagging on imagined lost opportunities, sooner or later, leads to self-inflicted isolation culminating in the loss of harmony in marital life and it calls on mental strain in children if any; for a child’s perspective of life starts from what it sees at home.

Children become negatively oriented from isolation, loss of care very often due to preoccupation of parents professionally or otherwise, and parents get affected as they miss opportunities to put aside time for afflicted children and a vicious cycle begins where the children and the parents become neurotic. No matter how a third person cannot replace a parent; but sometimes Grand Parents do; only if they themselves have had a fruitful and healthy relationship and have related themselves to the children in away or another. Relatives become affected from depression in those that they are fond of if they are of any consequence to their life, but quickly learn to avoid contact with the persistently depressed, as they have their life to go about.

When in association with neurotics or negatively oriented individuals, it can be seen that they are more demanding than the normally oriented- demanding on time and very often the health of others. They expect soothsayers around them, not realising the damage they make on others. They see everything around them as forebodings of disaster. A calm breeze gives them a chill, darkness turns out to be darker than night. Shadows become alive and they want to be afraid. But it very often hurts to see them walk into a precipice of darkness sans the will to live. If they are close, such as family or dear ones, it hurts much more and people around get slowly sucked into the chasm of darkness.

There seems to be no way out and slowly people around too, come to see their truth, the truth of negativity.

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1 year ago

Your blog is like a pilgrimage to health. Each post is a sacred step toward a temple of well-being. Truly enlightening

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