“Society has no meaning for them, for they do not know or realise the world around. They have no plans of escape, but beat time until darkness sets in”.
Long back in my teens, I read a novel of Alistair Maclean’s, “Fear is the Key”, suspense-filled thriller that takes man beyond endurance to achieve a goal. Later in life, I have attributed the title to very many facets of life. That title is befitting of a book that spells the will to overcome fear.
Prisoners are the best example of people who beat depression. In spite of their incarceration, they build a society into themselves. They are busy planning to escape or beat time, effectively. They do not let their mates stay isolated; they build teams. Their afflictions do not affect others around them, their mates or the keepers. Sooner or later they form part of the society that law has built for them. Before long they realise the key to sustenance – “fear”- Fear of rejection, fear of detection, fear of hunger, fear of isolation, and sometimes fear of death and the plan to fight back to sustain. A lesson needs to be learnt from them that keep their minds on the alert due to fear, with hope for tomorrow.
Normally every human being has a negative inclination to life which manifests in the form of fear of one thing or the other. It is that inherent drive to beat fear that marksman from other animals – to fight back and preserve the self. The self-matters over all other factors. The negatively oriented have lost the urge to beat fear.
When in association with negatively oriented individuals the “run for life” factor stays predominant in the mind of anyone normal, but they very often stay back with compulsions of hope that their association may ameliorate the negativity in front, not realizing that the negatively oriented are incarcerated in a cell of isolation. They have fear, but not hope. Yes; “Society has no meaning for them, for they do not know or realise the world around. They have no plans of escape, but beat time”
Forced to spend time soothing the negatively oriented, often due to compulsions of relationship, turns out to be the worst experience in life. It is always “I” that dominates their conversation. But if in any case “WE” pops in somewhere, then be assured – there is hope, for they have a fear of isolation. They are in need of help; help from near and dear and sometimes, experts. It is only a combined effort that can in any way bring them back to normal life. They need to be pulled out of their isolation, back into the world of joy and beauty. But how go about it?
If the person does not form part of your life in any way but has others that are concerned – Run- Run for the good old life. Save yourself from torments of negativity. The others that are concerned will take over without you being in the way.
If the person does not form part of your life in any way but has no others that are concerned, save yourself from torments of negativity, but ensure that some kind of help is made available.
If the person is part of your life and others are not concerned – then is when the mind and body need to go all the way to put life back into the other. Life is all about love and relationship, joy and health for all.
Let us learn to beat the fear of loneliness, let us have the joy of being wanted. Let us share and enjoy the elixir of life – LOVE.